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Vanes: blazers, 4in. fobs

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I was wondering what some of you thought were the best options for hunting arrows? And why? I am planning on re-flething some arrows and just can't decide what I want to do.



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I like my fobs. To refletch an arrow it takes all of 3 seconds. The do also fly better in the wind with my experience.

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Thats funny you asked i just wrote this up on another site this morning.



Well I'm sure some of you guys know this already, but I always have a lot a question before i change equipment or think about trying something else. I figure I'd share what I've learn about the Blazers.


I was stuck on 4in vanes for awhile they seemed to work best for me, but with all the hype about blazers I had to give them a try. After straight fletching a dozen and getting poor results I went back to the 4inchers. I'd have to say you can get good results with just about any vane, but when everything is tune the blazer has incredible results, also if you have a short brace hieght your vanes don't sit on/in your rest like my 4in did. Which if you know what i'm talking about, how annoying that can be.


Now I've always done a straight fletch or 1 degree, 4 inchers and blazers. I ended up buying a flecther made by Bohning same maker of the blazer vane and it has a 3 degree helix........what a difference. My groupings have shrunk by a good 1in or more at 60yds. Basically i've gone from softball size groupings to baseball size groupings. I use to aim at the middle of the bag when i shoot for fear of a pulling or missing the shot( I live in Arizona lots of rocks=broken arrows) and now aim at the corner dots on the bag with full confidence. I firmly believe that the 3 deree helix makes the difference from good flight to awesome flight. And if you think about it-it's like the FOB, in how the air flows across the vanes putting it into a spin faster. The FOBs might be next on the list. It's the little things you have to learn on your own sometimes that makes you a better archer, this is one of those circumstance for me so I thought i'd share it. Maybe somewhere down the road this will help another archery hunter.



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Another bump for the fobs I have been using them for 4 years now with great results just like anything there are pros and cons to consider you can get some very useful info from youtube on them or directly from the site starrflight.com. If you need help getting set up shoot me a pm I am directly connected to the company and would love to help.

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