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SB1200 HR2189  

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:lol: :lol: John, just pointing out some of the obsurdity that this group is involved in, I ain't affilliated with them. What's more obsurd is commissioners wanting to give these groups equality with sportsmen & women; but it's ok that they don't pay any of the bills or give anything back to the Dept. Unless giving back to the Dept. also means handing them the occasional court ordered injunction, with lawsuit in tow.

Wear a stopper, save the hopper. ;)

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If the Commission is against it....then I am for it.


they have not listened to one thing the general hunting/fishing public has said to them in decades. Now it's time to pay for that arrogance.

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Guest spcheuvront



I understand your anger.


My personel feeling is that there have been many very good commissioners.


Don't let a few bad , self serving commissioners sour you on good folks that believe


in wildlife and work their butts off to make it happen.


These good commissioners need our support. I for one plan to support them and help the wildlife we all love.


Steve Cheuvront

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Guest spcheuvront

At this point , the arguing seems to be over--


If you would, I would ask you all to refer to the OTHER BIG GAME section




It's a story about a familys hunting trip.


If we sometimes forget why we fight all the wrongs, do what we can to further wildlife conservation,


and hope our efforts will result in a place where the next generation can enjoy.


If you need a reminder of who is the next generation, just check out this story!!!


With all the special interest groups and commissioners who had their own agenda,


these two little camo faces, will make your heart smile.


This is why we fight, well me any way.


Steve Cheuvront

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Thanks for posting the links, more wolf, more condor, we are getting ready for the big hurt here.


Did I read that right 20 million???? Why don't we spend 20 million trying to help the homeless and needy right here in AZ.



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Got to love this statement in the Az Daily Sun article:





Conservation biologists disagree, saying the Southwest needs a much larger wolf population to ensure the species' genetic diversity. Such scientists also say a healthy population of wolves could revive Arizona landscapes, which have been overgrazed by elk and deer in nearly a century-long absence of significant predators.


And all this time I had thought cattle and drought were the problem. No, apparently it was AGFD issuing two few deer and elk permits. I guess hunters aren't significant predators.

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The absurd nature of the CBD's statement that deer and elk have overgrazed the Arizona landscape shows how little they really know about the outdoors. The ADA will be bringing some responses to the article that had no scientific proof, no background data, just a small group of enviro folks who would be delighted to abolish hunting... what better way than to have a massive influx of wolves?... and Jaguars.....and those elk sure have depleted the Strip and the Kaibab of all vegetation haven't they?...goes to show how much those idiots know...BPJ

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Many of you saw the e-mail from the Game and Fish Department. It still bothers me that they use department resources to lobby against legislation but that is what political appointees can do when there is no accountability to the public.


Anyways, we could sure use your help in contacting your legislators regarding these bills. Just click on the link below to identify your senator and politely ask them to support SB1200. This type of feedback really does help legislators make decisions. If everyone who voted that they would support this bill actually sent an e-mail then we will win this!


http://azleg.gov/MemberRoster.asp?Body=H This link will show the e-mail address for each senator


http://azleg.gov/alisStaticPages/HowToContactMember.asp This link will help you locate your legislative district


BTW, I copied these links for the Game and Fish e-mail.


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I came here due to a link from another member. I have hunted in the state for the last 42 years and I can't support any legislation that allows even the remote possibility of landowner private big game tags. I read all the garbage about Utah and have hunted plenty of times in NM and I just think we will be in trouble if we allow a board comprised of SFW and ranchers to dictate the politics of our Game and Fish department. I am not afraid of a bunch of hairy legged hippy women controlling G&F. We have controlled them so far. I care more about my grandson having the ability to hunt at a fair cost when he grows up. I don't belong to any of your groups but I used to in past years. I just have volunteered to work on projects through G&F so I am not much of a joiner. Anyway if you can tell me why this type of law is needed and why it won't insure we will go down the private tag road again like the USO mess I will listen with an open mind. Thanks.

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Hi Ringer.... The bill passed the Senate today, and hopefully the House on Monday. I guarantee you that this bill has NOTHING to do W/ landowner tags. I sat on committees about 6 years ago and ALL the sportsmen's groups were opposed to landowner tags. It just is not going to happen. The 6 year reign of terror by Governor Napolitano was the reason for this bill. If a "D" is elected in the future, and goes for 2 terms that governor could appoint a totally "Green" Commission... and you, the guy who buys the tags and pays the bills for the Department would be left in the cold... This way at least we have the ability to interview the prospective commissioners and have our 2 cents worth in it.... Hope you understand why we did what we did... Could use your support...BPJ

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While I have some reservations about this legislation, I cannot begin to understand why anyone would associate it with landowner tags. I wish whoever is spreading that idea would come out in the open so we can talk to them and, if necessary, get them the psychiatric help they need, because that's just crazy.

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While I have some reservations about this legislation, I cannot begin to understand why anyone would associate it with landowner tags. I wish whoever is spreading that idea would come out in the open so we can talk to them and, if necessary, get them the psychiatric help they need, because that's just crazy.




As John said, the bill passed the Senate today, so next up is the House. If you are interested in seeing the bill pass, please contact your represenatives from the house and let them know you want them to support the bill. And if you contacted your Senators about supporting the bill, it's always a nice thing to send them a thank you for voting the way you requested.


To find your representative:






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I came here due to a link from another member. I have hunted in the state for the last 42 years and I can't support any legislation that allows even the remote possibility of landowner private big game tags. I read all the garbage about Utah and have hunted plenty of times in NM and I just think we will be in trouble if we allow a board comprised of SFW and ranchers to dictate the politics of our Game and Fish department. I am not afraid of a bunch of hairy legged hippy women controlling G&F. We have controlled them so far. I care more about my grandson having the ability to hunt at a fair cost when he grows up. I don't belong to any of your groups but I used to in past years. I just have volunteered to work on projects through G&F so I am not much of a joiner. Anyway if you can tell me why this type of law is needed and why it won't insure we will go down the private tag road again like the USO mess I will listen with an open mind. Thanks.





I think the misconception is that the Arizona group is like the Utah group and that just isn't true. Utah Sportsman for Wildlife works with plenty of landowners and yes it has done some damage in Utah but the Arizona group is completely different than Utah and they do not want L/O tags any more than we do. I have been a part of this group since Pete C. went around letting us know what it was about and i can assure you that Pete is the last one that wants L/O tags!


You can relax and feel confident that the L/O tags are a dead subject and that the Arizona Sportsman for Wildlife group will fight that move if it raises its head again.

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