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A lesson in Snow

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Well boys and girls, after 8.5 hours of digging, winching, getting unstuck again, bringing in more equipment and winching some more Mark's truck is back home for some not so cold, buried to the doors in some seriously wet and deep snow.


On a side note for those of you that haven't ever had the chance to meet Mark, he is one of the most stand-up, humble individuals I know! Glad we got your truck back Mark.



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Unfortunately not.....I was so pissed that I forgot to bring a camera! Not sure when I would have taken pics though, we stopped for maybe 15 minutes to quickly eat lunch and the rest of the time we were bustin' hump. I got the memories in my head.....I do wish I had some pics though. Maybe if I get a chance I'll do a write up about how it all played out.



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The same thing happened to me on a spring turkey hunt years ago by White Horse lake. The road we were on was a little muddy, but it was easy driving until we hit this one spot. It was a low spot in the road and my Blazer just sunk. We spent hours trying to dig out. Putting branches under the tires, everything we could think of. My buddy hiked out to his truck and got his comealong and hiked back. He wasn't going to take a chance and drive down the road. At that point it was all soup. I always keep a comealong in my truck now.

Needless to say, we finally made it back to solid ground just as it was getting dark. This little event took a whole day.


So, I can see how the road may have thawed out by time you turned around to come out.

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