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Got to thinking the last couple of days what I would do if I was in his place.

What if we as a group developed a health care plan we could present to our leaders.

I am no politician, and don't know all the ins and outs of the game, but I bet we as a group could come up with a pretty sound plan.


A couple of questions I have for the health care people:

Why does it cost less for a proceedure if I pay cash than if my insurance pays?


Why if I am paying my premiums does my insurance go up if I have to use my insurance?


If the people of New Orleans choose to live below sea level and the lose their homes does my insurance premiums go up? I know, not medical related but you get the idea, insurance companies gouging those who have for those who aren't smart enough to live above sea level!!! :blink:


Why do we subsidize instead of letting the free market take care of pricing?


So, as a newly self appointed politician here are two parts of the New health care bill I wold like to see implimented:


1: Serious measures to eliminate fraud by insurance companies and insured individuals.

2: Let the free market control pricing.






So I am trying to get the ball rolling here. Anybody care to chime in on what needs to be done with health care?

Maybe you disagree with my starter proposals? What would you do instead?

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Preventative care instead of reactive.

No doctor insentives for cirtan diagnosis and medication used.

Lower and cap the amount of liability to the doctors under malpractice.

Instead of paying out the butt for malpractice you should loose your liscence.

Heath care in states that limit torts on medical malpractice have substantialy lower heath care costs.

Let consumers buy across state lines (provides more compition)

The only problem I see with the free market and health care is its a need not a want so we as consumers have to pay the price but if there are quality options then the price would theoreticly go down but if the componies wanted to fix cost they could.

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One of the major problems (if you can call it that) is that Hospitals are required to treat all people who show up on their doorstep: they can't turn away a pregnant illegal who's in labor, or an uninsured worker who's cut off his finger. Those costs get added into the bill that you receive, or that the hospital tries to bill to the Insurance company, increasing your premium.


Should Hospitals turn away people who don't have insurance or the cash to pay for their procedure? Whose going to pay for their treatment? Could your conscience handle turning away a sick child who would die without treatment if you knew the kid would wrack up a million dollars in unsupported bills?


So, instead of getting hammered with inflated hospital bills, or a huge insurance premiums, why not socialize medicine? Everyone needs treatment (preferably preventative). The nightmare stories on Fox news about socialized medicine are very different than what 99% of the population experiences in those countries. Besides, we aren't those countries and we can learn from their mistakes and make our own decisions on cost-benefit.


Even if you've got the coin to pay cash for premium health care at a for-profit private hospital, you'd probably be paying only slightly more than what the costs will be in the next decade as the Recession worsens, less people have health insurance (but all need health care), and those with insurance are burdened even further.

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  SilentButDeadly said:
One of the major problems (if you can call it that) is that Hospitals are required to treat all people who show up on their doorstep: they can't turn away a pregnant illegal who's in labor, or an uninsured worker who's cut off his finger. Those costs get added into the bill that you receive, or that the hospital tries to bill to the Insurance company, increasing your premium.


Should Hospitals turn away people who don't have insurance or the cash to pay for their procedure? Whose going to pay for their treatment? Could your conscience handle turning away a sick child who would die without treatment if you knew the kid would wrack up a million dollars in unsupported bills?


So, instead of getting hammered with inflated hospital bills, or a huge insurance premiums, why not socialize medicine? Everyone needs treatment (preferably preventative). The nightmare stories on Fox news about socialized medicine are very different than what 99% of the population experiences in those countries. Besides, we aren't those countries and we can learn from their mistakes and make our own decisions on cost-benefit.


Even if you've got the coin to pay cash for premium health care at a for-profit private hospital, you'd probably be paying only slightly more than what the costs will be in the next decade as the Recession worsens, less people have health insurance (but all need health care), and those with insurance are burdened even further.


Good point and I guess part of my solution then would be to secure the borders better and send people home who don't belong in this country or maybe better said, are here illegally. Then I don't have a problem helping take care of citizens of this country.


I would beg to differ on the quality of care in a social setting. I mean, in theory I think it would be great to let everybody have everything. New car every ten years, house provided for everybody so nobody was on the streets. A plan where everybody had food.

I just don't believe that is the answer but could be very wrong.


Interesting post though, thanks......

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1: Serious measures to eliminate fraud by insurance companies and insured individuals.

2: Let the free market control pricing.

3: Preventive care instead of proactive

4: Lower and cap the amount of liability to the doctors under malpractice.

5: Instead of paying out the butt for malpractice you should lose your liscence.

6: Heath care that limits torts on medical malpractice

7: Let consumers buy across state lines (provides more compition)

8: Secure the border and provide services for citizens of the US.




OK, now we are getting somewhere, let me know if there is something above that you really don't like and if we need to get rid of it.

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If you think that the government could get socialized heathcare right look at medicaid. Need I say more.


Now to the point that socialized medicine is not as bad in other contrys as fox makes it out to be. I have a friend who is a doctor who started practicing medicine in canada here is what he had to say about the subject. Canada's heath care is great as long as you dont get really sick.


Break a leg great get the flu ok have cancer whhops go tho the us and try and get treatment. Have heart problems good luck seeing a specialist.


It does a great job getting people the average required care that is normal but when something seriuos happens you might be better off to come to the us to try and get treatment.

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if my neighbor gets sick i'm gonna feel bad about it, but i don't understand why i should have to pay for it. i don't understand why anyone should have to pay for someone else getting sick. or not working or getting a crappy loan on their house or any of the other stupid stuff that obama wants to enable people to stay on the dole. the entire socialized system isn't for me. i'll take care of myself and don't want anyone else to have to or want to. i have my own way of paying for health care. but if this obama crap happens then the gov't is gonna have the say in what i can have done, who does it, who pays for it, when i can get it done, etc. and no matter what i'll have to buy into it. there isn't any socialized medicine that i want any part of. Lark.

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Socialized medicine sounds great until you realize that the Fed Gov't will be running it.


Social Security - broke

Medicare - broke

Amtrak - broke

Post office - broke

The Federal Budget - broke


What makes you think they get this program, the biggest of all, right?




I could fix this country in one day.


No lobbyist


Term limits for every elected official


Bring all the troops HOME and put them on the border...protecting OUR nation.


No private campaign funds. You get "X" amount of dollars from the Gov't to run your campaign and when it's gone...too bad. No donors...no fund raisers.....no behind closed doors glad handing. You get caught taking funds for your campaign....waterboarded.


Balanced Budget Amendment. If you don't have the CAAASHE MONEY to pay for a program, a bridge, a fricken bucket of fricken fried fricken chicken, you don't get it. PERIOD. The tax payer is not your giant VISA card. If you try to sneek some pork through, especially in an election year....prepare to be waterboarded.


You commit a crime...you go to jail. No therapy or rehab. Get in the slammer and DON'T DROP THE SOAP. When you get out, you have paid your debt. If you should return for other crimes......prepare to be waterboarded.


Repeal the Patriot Act.....TODAY.


If you think you want to strap a bomb in your underwear....you better hope it goes off....because if you get caught....prepare to be waterboarded.


Every elected official will be required to stand up in front of his constituents and repeat the following, "I WORK FOR YOU." YOU ARE MY BOSS. I AM YOUR SERVANT. IF I SHOULD FORGET THIS...FEEL FREE TO WATERBOARD ME UNTIL MY MEMORY HAS BEEN RESTORED."


You must pass a drug test to receive any gov't assistance. If you try to collect assistance, but fail your drug test. Prepare to be waterboarded.

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  redneck said:

1: Serious measures to eliminate fraud by insurance companies and insured individuals.

2: Let the free market control pricing.

3: Preventive care instead of proactive

4: Lower and cap the amount of liability to the doctors under malpractice.

5: Instead of paying out the butt for malpractice you should lose your liscence.

6: Heath care that limits torts on medical malpractice

7: Let consumers buy across state lines (provides more competition)

8: Secure the border and each US citizen be responsible for their own health care.(Edited on behalf of Lark)

9: No Lobbyist

10: Terms for elected officials

11: Bring troops home and protect our nation.

12: No government campaign funds.

13: Balanced budget no money don't spend it.

14: Commit a crime, go to jail and don't collect any pay.

15: Repeal the patriot act.

16: Terrorist beware!!! We brought the troops home and waterboarding is legal!!

17: Pass drug test for any government assistance!!!!




Desert Bull, you should run for office, I like your platform. Lark, I agree 100%. While some of this stuff may not seem related to health care it is all connected to the same problem which DB put pretty plainly. Basically taking care of business here at home.




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1. Tort Reform- any medical malpractice complaint must be evaluated by either a peer review board or a grand jury system BEFORE it can proceed.


2. While its against the capitalistic open market system, limiting the insurance companies to a 5-10-15% profit margin would keep them from gouging.


3. Portability- only way this will work is that it is govt mandated and the monthly premium must also be mandated. As a compromise, there may be a lifetime limit.


4. Lobbyist- they are not inherently bad, just that the people we voted into office forgot that they are OUR LOBBYIST and should remember that WE come first, not the paid lobbyist.


5. Is your current occupation "career public money moocher"?. Starting monday, you'll get on the bus and work on America's infra-structure just like they did in the CCC. You will get your check for the week when you get off the bus on friday.


Term limits and campaign funding limits: two thumbs up!!

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1: Serious measures to eliminate fraud by insurance companies and insured individuals.

2: Let the free market control pricing.

3: Preventive care instead of proactive

4: Lower and cap the amount of liability to the doctors under malpractice.

5: Instead of paying out the butt for malpractice you should lose your liscence.

6: Heath care that limits torts on medical malpractice

7: Let consumers buy across state lines (provides more competition)

8: Secure the border and each US citizen be responsible for their own health care.(Edited on behalf of Lark)

9: No Lobbyist

10: Terms for elected officials

11: Bring troops home and protect our nation.

12: No government campaign funds.

13: Balanced budget no money don't spend it.

14: Commit a crime, go to jail and don't collect any pay.

15: Repeal the patriot act.

16: Terrorist beware!!! We brought the troops home and waterboarding is legal!!

17: Pass drug test for any government assistance!!!!

18: Is your current occupation "career public money moocher"?. Starting monday, you'll get on the bus

and work on America's infra-structure just like they did in the CCC. You will get your check for the

week when you get off the bus on friday.



I like the CCC plan!!!





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