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Game&Fish - Operation Photo date check

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I spend so much time and money on my outdoor obsession's....Loosing that privilage is not an option...... B)


I agree.


The game and fish has a hard enough job as it is. If the time stamp is incorrect check it out...I would have no problem with them at my door. How many times have there been pics on this site when the date was wrong on the pic and someone asked...

What about those 3 that killed 2 bighorn ewes and took pic posing with them. They took photo evidence of their crime to show off, and it sealed their fate. I question some of the photos on the G&F site. why shouldnt they. Its like cops. RSEPECT them. They chose a job where nobody likes them...


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have you guys scene the photo at az game and fish and its tilted my first cow elk and its a picture of this guy and a really decent bull elk thats the one i would question

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Just to clarify -


If they knock on my door and are pleasant and non accusing, I will listen. If they start asking me to hand over my pics or camera...get a warrant.


I would have to say that I agree with DB on this one. Question for you guys, how do you prove to an officer that the dates on the pictures are not correct? When you down load the pictures to the computer, the file will have a the date it was down loaded; however, its still not the date the pictures were taken. The way I look at it, there is no benefit to talking to that officer. Respectfully decline and send him on his way and leave it up to him to get a warrant.


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I have no problems with the guys doing their jobs, but I question their intentions with this. They have to know that the burden of proof is on them and that there is no possible way to prove when a picture was actually taken. Why even waste the time by showing up at someone's house?? Also, if they do that to one person, they have to do it to all the HUNDREDS of hunters who have posted photos with incorrect dates on them. Seems like just a huge waste of time and resources to me.

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That's what I first thought also....waste of a good resource, and the fact that they show up to both of there homes at roughly the same time :huh: :angry: :( :blink: I was told that they were confirming the date of kill...by going to both homes and inquiring about there hunt FROM BOTH HUNTERS drawn for the hunt in question....

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What's worse? Fish cops in the field or fish cops on the internet? I dunno, but I do know that if you convert your jpeg to a gif, the picture will lose all the embedded data. From what I have seen with G&F, you are guilty until proven innocent.



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I am never a fan of anyone just showing up at my house unannounced... even family and friends it's just rude!


With that said I think my tone would depend upon the tone of the officers invloved. If they want to play nice then I can go along with that. However any intimidation techniques or power games on their part would probably end with me reminding them they are trespassing on private property and asking them to leave.


I really think they should call first. It's just better for the Departments image.

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Why are so many of you on the defensive here ..... I say let them use any avenue they have to stay on top of illegal activity when it comes to our big game in this state.... I have seen numerous people question pics on this site and others then assume way to much without having the full story , so what is the difference if it is being done by G&F and the truth comes out good or bad ? So when a G&F officer reads a post about the illegal activity in our southern units and teams up with border patrol to contact those witness to it and make sure they are following up on such things it is OK..... But when they see a kill pic that does not add up because of a date or maybe even more reasons they are in the wrong for following up on it ..... Guess I will just think about why some would worry so much and be so vocal on this issue ????


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Why are so many of you on the defensive here ..... I say let them use any avenue they have to stay on top of illegal activity when it comes to our big game in this state.... I have seen numerous people question pics on this site and others then assume way to much without having the full story , so what is the difference if it is being done by G&F and the truth comes out good or bad ? So when a G&F officer reads a post about the illegal activity in our southern units and teams up with border patrol to contact those witness to it and make sure they are following up on such things it is OK..... But when they see a kill pic that does not add up because of a date or maybe even more reasons they are in the wrong for following up on it ..... Guess I will just think about why some would worry so much and be so vocal on this issue ????


Wow str8 You are really a glass half full if you think there is any collaboration coming from the G&F for anything other than busting hunters. But seriously, you ask why are people on the defensive, well I for one don't live in a "glass palace". What I mean is I "might" have a couple lion kill skulls with no tag. I "might" have expired tags on my Samurai. I "might" not have a Copper tag on my motorcycle. I "might have too much gun powder for reloading. I "might" have more venison than a G&F think I should have. My kid "might be shooting his bb gun as we speak. Heck, my dog "might" not even have a license. Of course this is all hypathetical.

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Why are so many of you on the defensive here ..... I say let them use any avenue they have to stay on top of illegal activity when it comes to our big game in this state.... I have seen numerous people question pics on this site and others then assume way to much without having the full story , so what is the difference if it is being done by G&F and the truth comes out good or bad ? So when a G&F officer reads a post about the illegal activity in our southern units and teams up with border patrol to contact those witness to it and make sure they are following up on such things it is OK..... But when they see a kill pic that does not add up because of a date or maybe even more reasons they are in the wrong for following up on it ..... Guess I will just think about why some would worry so much and be so vocal on this issue ????


Wow str8 You are really a glass half full if you think there is any collaboration coming from the G&F for anything other than busting hunters. But seriously, you ask why are people on the defensive, well I for one don't live in a "glass palace". What I mean is I "might" have a couple lion kill skulls with no tag. I "might" have expired tags on my Samurai. I "might" not have a Copper tag on my motorcycle. I "might have too much gun powder for reloading. I "might" have more venison than a G&F think I should have. My kid "might be shooting his bb gun as we speak. Heck, my dog "might" not even have a license. Of course this is all hypathetical.



Great points made. I don't buy into the police state, and the end justifies the means mentality. If they have REAL evidence get a warrant and make an arrest, or write the ticket. I am all for stopping poaching and support the fish cops in that regard, but I don't want some yahoo knocking on my door fishing for evidence. That is wrong no matter how you try to justify it. Because you are defensive about this kind of behavior, does not mean you have something to hide, it might mean you enjoy your freedoms and would like your country to remain free and un-invited guests to stay off your doorstep.

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Why are so many of you on the defensive here ..... I say let them use any avenue they have to stay on top of illegal activity when it comes to our big game in this state.... I have seen numerous people question pics on this site and others then assume way to much without having the full story , so what is the difference if it is being done by G&F and the truth comes out good or bad ? So when a G&F officer reads a post about the illegal activity in our southern units and teams up with border patrol to contact those witness to it and make sure they are following up on such things it is OK..... But when they see a kill pic that does not add up because of a date or maybe even more reasons they are in the wrong for following up on it ..... Guess I will just think about why some would worry so much and be so vocal on this issue ????


Wow str8 You are really a glass half full if you think there is any collaboration coming from the G&F for anything other than busting hunters. But seriously, you ask why are people on the defensive, well I for one don't live in a "glass palace". What I mean is I "might" have a couple lion kill skulls with no tag. I "might" have expired tags on my Samurai. I "might" not have a Copper tag on my motorcycle. I "might have too much gun powder for reloading. I "might" have more venison than a G&F think I should have. My kid "might be shooting his bb gun as we speak. Heck, my dog "might" not even have a license. Of course this is all hypathetical.



Great points made. I don't buy into the police state, and the end justifies the means mentality. If they have REAL evidence get a warrant and make an arrest, or write the ticket. I am all for stopping poaching and support the fish cops in that regard, but I don't want some yahoo knocking on my door fishing for evidence. That is wrong no matter how you try to justify it. Because you are defensive about this kind of behavior, does not mean you have something to hide, it might mean you enjoy your freedoms and would like your country to remain free and un-invited guests to stay off your doorstep.


Awesome! Some people think the Patriot Act is Patriotic too.


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ok, i'll step on my own foot a little. no cop of any kind is coming in my house without a valid warrant. i don't do anything illegal but i'm not letting anybody go fishing in my house. and it has always seemed to me that bunny cops seem to mess with folks that let them. i understand their job and stuff, but it sure seems +that when you take a submissive position with em they really like to run with it. i've seen em screw up and let the sorriest outlaws there are get away because of crappy cop work and then getting a little weak kneed when the outlaw fought back real hard. and then i've seen em throw the book and everything else at guys for really minor offenses that warranted maybe, again maybe, a citation but instead the guy lost his license and paid thousands in fines. i've had to tell more than one to get outta my camp and don't come back and then i've had em be as kind and caring as anyone i've ever known. but as far as letting any cop in my house, ain't gonna happen without a real live warrant. i have a neighbor who's a cop and he can't even come to a barbecue at my place without one. i remember when i took the required class for a concealed weapon one thing the guy told us, and he was a retired judge, never let a cop mess with you. don't ever give em your gun. you don't have to. that pretty much applies to everything else too. if they did a little more field work maybe they wouldn't need to surf the net for cyber crime. pretty hard to poach a buck with a computer. i know there are a buncha of em that surf this place too and we're probly all on some list now. oh well. if they wanna waste time follerin' me that is just time they could spend after some bad guy. my take, Lark.

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....ahhhhhhh the unique BARK of a .270 ;) ......You've earned my vote Lark!.... (if you ever decide to run for someth'n) ;)

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