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Game&Fish - Operation Photo date check

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I have a buddy who killed late last year. afterward's, proceeded to take trophy photos as WE ALL DO, right? ;) no issues...He get's around to posting on there web site and all is well :D ......Fast-forward to last week, There is a nock on the door and G&F officer standing there wanting to know detail's of the hunt... :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:


What's the issue you ask.......The date on his online photo he posted is not correct!


Has anyone had a similar visit? :o .......Does anyone think this above and beyond? :angry: ....What are your thought's on this?



In the past, I have not paid to much attention to the date posted on digital photos, but I guess if your posting on the web, you'd better have your duck's in a row, and as far as G&F showing up on my doorstep, no problem.....I was checked out twice in January and was glad to see them out there so much. I spend so much time and money on my outdoor obsession's....Loosing that privilage is not an option...... B)




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I have seen photos and thought the same thing about the dates,but I give the hunter the benefit of the doubt if your going to put up your pictures to show the world I would think its legit and not illegaly taken. I could see a WM wanting to check it though, no harm no foul!

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I would have to agree! If it was taken legally why worry about it? ;)

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no joke DB....and, at the same time: his buddy he drew with had a visitor drop by also...... :ph34r:

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I just noticed tonite that a non hunting picture in my collection on my computer has the wrong date , not only wrong day and month but year as well . I dont know why or how that happened , I know most of the dates are right but this one was definately wrong , and I suppose there could be others as well . Hate to think I could get arrested over wrong date stamp from cheap camera !

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I spend so much time and money on my outdoor obsession's....Loosing that privilage is not an option...... B)


I agree.


The game and fish has a hard enough job as it is. If the time stamp is incorrect check it out...I would have no problem with them at my door. How many times have there been pics on this site when the date was wrong on the pic and someone asked...

What about those 3 that killed 2 bighorn ewes and took pic posing with them. They took photo evidence of their crime to show off, and it sealed their fate. I question some of the photos on the G&F site. why shouldnt they. Its like cops. RSEPECT them. They chose a job where nobody likes them...

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Even if the date/time stamp is not showing on an image, most jpegs will have exif data to show the date and time of photo, along with the camera model and its settings used for the photo. Right click on one of your images stored on your computer and look at the advanced summary of properties.


The visible date/time stamp might be handy to show on a trail cam pic, but is rather unsightly to be blazed across the photo from a regular camera, imo.

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I have also heard that there are some WM that are looking at images of archery kills on different websites and checking to ensure that those kills are called in within the 10 day mandatory reporting time frame and taking action if they have not been reported. So make sure you call in your archery kills.

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I spend so much time and money on my outdoor obsession's....Loosing that privilage is not an option...... B)


I agree.


The game and fish has a hard enough job as it is. If the time stamp is incorrect check it out...I would have no problem with them at my door. How many times have there been pics on this site when the date was wrong on the pic and someone asked...

What about those 3 that killed 2 bighorn ewes and took pic posing with them. They took photo evidence of their crime to show off, and it sealed their fate. I question some of the photos on the G&F site. why shouldnt they. Its like cops. RSEPECT them. They chose a job where nobody likes them...



If they show up at my door, they need to have a search warrant or else I'm shutting the door.

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I spend so much time and money on my outdoor obsession's....Loosing that privilage is not an option...... B)


I agree.


The game and fish has a hard enough job as it is. If the time stamp is incorrect check it out...I would have no problem with them at my door. How many times have there been pics on this site when the date was wrong on the pic and someone asked...

What about those 3 that killed 2 bighorn ewes and took pic posing with them. They took photo evidence of their crime to show off, and it sealed their fate. I question some of the photos on the G&F site. why shouldnt they. Its like cops. RSEPECT them. They chose a job where nobody likes them...



If they show up at my door, they need to have a search warrant or else I'm shutting the door.


DB... :rolleyes: ...You crack me up!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :P



I guess the difference with me is I know the WM's ... I'd invite them in and offer "soda or coffee".... they are just doing the job. I'd hope that someone would not slam their door in my face if I drop by to inform them about driveway or home maintenance options.... just trying to do my job ya know. ;) Just cuz they get their paycheck from the State of AZ instead of from a consumer (like I do) does not make them bad guys.... ;) .. I've had the "Knock on the Door" or the "Phone Call"... it does not mean I am guilty of anything.... I have never gotten a citation or anything as result of those "Knocks" or "Calls"...When it happend to me, I was butt hurt about it, then I got to thinkin' about how I was glad they followed up on it cuz they proved that I had not done anything wrong, and the last thing I want is someone being able to point a finger a me... so no harm no foul... Just cuz they chat with you does not mean anything was wrong or anyone is guilty.... just means they are doing their job.... and for most of them it is just a job.

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I spend so much time and money on my outdoor obsession's....Loosing that privilage is not an option...... B)


I agree.


The game and fish has a hard enough job as it is. If the time stamp is incorrect check it out...I would have no problem with them at my door. How many times have there been pics on this site when the date was wrong on the pic and someone asked...

What about those 3 that killed 2 bighorn ewes and took pic posing with them. They took photo evidence of their crime to show off, and it sealed their fate. I question some of the photos on the G&F site. why shouldnt they. Its like cops. RSEPECT them. They chose a job where nobody likes them...



If they show up at my door, they need to have a search warrant or else I'm shutting the door.


DB... :rolleyes: ...You crack me up!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :P



I guess the difference with me is I know the WM's ... I'd invite them in and offer "soda or coffee".... they are just doing the job. I'd hope that someone would not slam their door in my face if I drop by to inform them about driveway or home maintenance options.... just trying to do my job ya know. ;) Just cuz they get their paycheck from the State of AZ instead of from a consumer (like I do) does not make them bad guys.... ;) .. I've had the "Knock on the Door" or the "Phone Call"... it does not mean I am guilty of anything.... I have never gotten a citation or anything as result of those "Knocks" or "Calls"...When it happend to me, I was butt hurt about it, then I got to thinkin' about how I was glad they followed up on it cuz they proved that I had not done anything wrong, and the last thing I want is someone being able to point a finger a me... so no harm no foul... Just cuz they chat with you does not mean anything was wrong or anyone is guilty.... just means they are doing their job.... and for most of them it is just a job.


I think most of the WMs take their job seriously - just like cops and fireman. The WMs are not only protecting the wildlife, but they are also protecting law abiding outdoorsmen from others who do not repect the laws. In my 30 years of hunting and fishing in AZ, I have never had a negative experience with a WM. I'm glad to see the follow-up.......there is no reason for a guy to get defensive if he hasn't done anything wrong.

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Even if the date/time stamp is not showing on an image, most jpegs will have exif data to show the date and time of photo, along with the camera model and its settings used for the photo. Right click on one of your images stored on your computer and look at the advanced summary of properties.


The visible date/time stamp might be handy to show on a trail cam pic, but is rather unsightly to be blazed across the photo from a regular camera, imo.




The jpeg data from properties is what is wrong on the pictures I was refering to . How can that happen ? Is there a way to set the time, date, etc. ?

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Just to clarify -


If they knock on my door and are pleasant and non accusing, I will listen. If they start asking me to hand over my pics or camera...get a warrant.

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Even if the date/time stamp is not showing on an image, most jpegs will have exif data to show the date and time of photo, along with the camera model and its settings used for the photo. Right click on one of your images stored on your computer and look at the advanced summary of properties.


The visible date/time stamp might be handy to show on a trail cam pic, but is rather unsightly to be blazed across the photo from a regular camera, imo.




The jpeg data from properties is what is wrong on the pictures I was refering to . How can that happen ? Is there a way to set the time, date, etc. ?


You should be able to go on your camera's menu and reset the day/date/time.

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