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  bowhuntaz1 said:
I have mixed feelings about the story...

Dont hate me to much guys and gals...


I share your mixed feelings, bohuntaz1.


Bill Quimby

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All these years and millions of dollars and there are 42 wolf/dogs? Give it up already.

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it's not so much the wolves that bother me, it's the wolf worship. For instance, when the wolves came, suddenly there was no more trapping on public land, as i understand it. (?) I remember reading an article back then about public safety concerns being the reason trapping was done away with, but get real. Are my views legit? or am i barking up the wrong tree?

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to me this is just a joke. one of my biggest problems with the whole situation is that everyone is basically aware of how much money is spent on these stupid things and then they write an article about it where everyone who is losing their jobs here and there can read it and wonder hmmm is the government that much more worried about these wolves than a whole bunch of american men and women feeding their families. seems like they could put this money to better use

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if you have mixed feelings here's another way to look at it. at about the same time this fiasco of a program started the usfw released real live wild wolves they gathered up in canada, in and around yellowstone. they took off and never looked back. the program was so successfull that they are not only no longer endangered and they are actually being hunted. do you know how hard it is to get an animal off the endangered species list? the numbers are several times higher than the target. the huggers don't know what to do because the program actually worked and they are losing the control they had gained and won't have anymore taxpayer money to waste. and they've done some damage to the wildlife in yellowstone. the numbers of all wildlife are really low in yellowstone now. now, compare that story to this crap we have here with these so called wolves. they aren't wild animals, they aren't even wolves. they are crossbred curs that a buncha hippies think they can teach to be wild animals. pen raised, no wild experience, part dog, die from parvo, have to be fed and monitored constantly, taught by hippies, wolf dog crosses. they continue to dump money on a trash fire and now we're looking at losing the heritage fund. granted the wolf money is federal cash and heritage fund is state money, but how much good could have been done with the millions that have been literally thrown away on these stupid dogs. one of the best rules to follow in life is that when you hit the bottom, quit diggin'. it's time to quit diggin' and focus this money and effort on something that has a return. the mexican wolf is extinct. and has been for years. all this program has done is proven that it won't work. something that anyone with any sense knew before it was attempted. Lark.

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I have always been opposed to the wolf program. Mainly as I hunt in the unit in which they were originally released. If anyone thinks that wolves don't have a significant impact on the huntable game population, guess again!


Wolves are one of the few predators that will actually hunt for sport, and just to kill something. Wolves are viscious killers.

I am not sure if the Mexican wolf is as aggressive in that fact as the Candadian wolves.? Just ask the ranchers in Montana how they feel about the reintroduction of Wolves!


It makes me wonder why.? It is not as if the general public can pull off the side of the road and look at the "pretty wolves" like you can some animals in Yellowstone.


I would just as soon see Grizzly bear back in the Arizona wild, but I know that can not happen because of man's encroachment, and the problems it would create.


The Fed's and the people who oversee the wolf projects just don't want to admit defeat, and that it is a waste of money and resources. Let it go!


I wonder if there would be a way to calculate the number of big game animals killed by wolves every year, and come up with a monetary figure for the revenues that G&F could have, if the wolves were not present? Just a thought.

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Guest borderboy

I saw something in the Tucson paper about Mexico "re-introducing" lobos into the mtns. south of AZ. I think it said it would be about 30 miles south. I could have misread it so I could be wrong.

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  borderboy said:
I saw something in the Tucson paper about Mexico "re-introducing" lobos into the mtns. south of AZ. I think it said it would be about 30 miles south. I could have misread it so I could be wrong.


You are right - The Mexican government is going to re-introduce mexican gray wolves to northern Sonora near the New Mexico/Arizona/Sonora Border in a mountain range called the Sierra San Luis - see article




Just wait, jaguars and wolves, forget the people. The religion of the environment is taking over and is globally accepted by all the one-world government folks.



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The Mexican government is going to re-introduce mexican gray wolves to northern Sonora near the New Mexico/Arizona/Sonora Border in a mountain range called the Sierra San Luis - see article


I think the Mexican gov should put their money to the drug war, not the gray wolves. They keep blaming the states for the guns getting across the border. Just my opinion maybe something for a different topic just how I feel. AZ needs to put that money to something else also!

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  bowsniper said:
  smerky said:



What's the point? That's nature, it's been going on for millions of years.


Point is, don't want 'em, don't need 'em, so quit shoving 'em down our throats!


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