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The Mexican government is going to re-introduce mexican gray wolves to northern Sonora near the New Mexico/Arizona/Sonora Border in a mountain range called the Sierra San Luis - see article


I think the Mexican gov should put their money to the drug war, not the gray wolves. They keep blaming the states for the guns getting across the border. Just my opinion maybe something for a different topic just how I feel. AZ needs to put that money to something else also!


Agreed - there are way better things for the governement to spend money on.

Should we make a list......Education, teacher salaries, classroom spending, drug war, health care, law enforcement, border battle.....oh did I say education..........

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Shoot - Shovel - and Shut up!



You guys crack me up!! Encouraging poaching on the internet! This is one for the stupid criminal files. It's like calling up the cops and warning them that you are going to rob the circle-K at 19th and Bell Rd. tomorrow. BTW, while you are at it, please post your social security number too! :P



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I actually got the "Shoot Shovel and Shutup" line from a Game and Fish officer a few years back! :rolleyes:

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The old Triple S method works everytime it is tried , no other method has so successfully rehabilitated so many varmints . Its very safe and reliable but you must follow all three principles , especially #3 .

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