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I thought He started out ok , then got a little better , then got even better , then He really got on a roll until He started slurring and got kinda fuzzy and then :unsure: ...well I dont remember much after that .


You see when I got ready to watch , I got down a new bottle of Jack Daniel's , opened it up and set it down in front of me , then listening carefully everytime Obama said I .... I would take a drink . Last nite the speech seemed pretty good but this morning I wasn't so sure cause I woke up in the floor with an empty bottle , a queasy stomach , and an aching head . :blink: :blink:

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His speaches nausiate lots of folks - without the aid of whiskey.


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I didn't like him calling out the Supreme Court. Very disrespectful and IMO, trying to influence their decision making according to how they read the law just to help his own butt out. Not real classy.

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i thought it was great. anybody with even a little bit of intelligence should have been convinced of what a liein', phony, stupid anti-American he is after that spew. anybody that is still emamoured by this clown is really lacking in smarts and character. Lark.

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Believe it or not, but yesterday's Tucson Daily Star had an article where the took parts of his speach, then followed it up with the facts. To no surprise to anyone 'cept truely loyal dems, what, if anything he said was just fluff and candy coating. Nothing of substance.


At least they were honest and not left leaning. Thank them for that.

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The dictator in chief will not rest until socialism is welcomed by all.


I'm still praying for him on his first promise in the White house.... To find a church for him and his family.

He has not even been to one yet that has been reported!

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The dictator in chief will not rest until socialism is welcomed by all.


I'm still praying for him on his first promise in the White house.... To find a church for him and his family.

He has not even been to one yet that has been reported!



What would he do in church? What he needs is a mosque.



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