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Guess the Score Contest - Jan 2010

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Hey All,


here is an amazing buck that was so challenging to score, that I had to contact Boone and Crockett and they actually had to make up a new way to score the funky nontypical tines near the base of his right antler!!


Jerry was lucky enough to actually find this buck as a pick-up skull and had it mounted. WOW! Imagine finding this while you were out hiking! Thanks to Jerry for his patience while I tried to work out how to score this buck and thank you for sharing it for a Guess the Score Contest.



For this contest, you have to guess the GROSS score (all inches before deductions) of this non-typical buck.


Go ahead and post your guess to the nearest 1/8 of an inch and don't worry if you duplicate someone else's guess. I will give prizes to the top 10 guessers who are closest to the actual gross score of the buck (either high or low). Prizes will include a Badlands Bino Pack (dontated by Sponsor Payson Outfitters), RedRabbit's AZ Landscape Calendar, Havalon Knives, and CouesWhitetail.com tshirts. If there are ties on winning guesses, then I will break the tie by whoever posted their guess soonest.


Please post your guess in this thread and you may only guess once and you can't change it after you post.

You have until Feb 16 at 5 pm to make a post for the contest.

















close up of the funky NT points that made this so challenging.


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I can't decide if I should give you hints or not on how to score that funky cluster of antler at the base of the right beam. Or should it be part of the fun to try and guess how to do it??


Boone and Crockett actually came up with a way to measure it that they said has never been done on any other buck! How cool is that?




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For those that get technical about this stuff, I will let you know that the g2 and g3 on the right antler are not common base points (no figure eight at the base where they join), so then you have to declare one a nontypical point coming off the other. I declared the g2 to be normal and coming off the main beam, while the third tine is coming off the g2 and therefore is abnormal.


here is an inside view of the 2nd and 3rd tine and hopefully shows how that 3rd doesn't really come off the main beam.


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127 4/8 EBB

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