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Anyone go out today and what were the conditions

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I was wondering if anyone went out today and what the conditions were? I want to head up tomarrow morning to the Bloody Basin Rd or Dugas and was wondering what the road conditions are and if the washes were still flowing after the storm. If you where in any of these areas your input would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks Jason



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hello - the area you are talking about had over 3 hrs of hail storms today so far and is expecting snow tonight - If you want to take a chance -- better be prepared - very possible you may be the only one out there !! Gary

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Hunting can be good in this weather but,

this has been a killer storm and things will be bad everywhere.

I am sure lots of roads washed out and will be a soupy mess

anywhere you go.

If you plan to go, take Gary's advise and prepare to stay for a few days.


I planed to get out for the weekend but thought it best to stay home.

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Go out today!! LOL!! I'm still digging out!!! :blink: :P




Your Truck?


Truck, car, driveway, sidewalks, roof ;) . After today I decided I hate snow. LOL. Just trying to dig out at home.



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Did that today also :(

got my wifes car out and into Linnea's spot

so I had to give up my spot for Linnea <_<

Thats OK, guess thats what Dads do.


16" was enough for me.

My back hurts but I:did it :D

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was out there today. really muddy everywhere, and all washes are still running. several crossings were washed out. we couldnt get through in our full size truck, but if yours was big enough maybe. we slid our way around for a while, but the ranchers and maybe even GFD will close some of the roads to keep them from getting ruined.

At our place in camp verde, we got 4" of rain between wednesday night and this morning, and that dont include the inch we got on monday/tuesday. If you go, might want to stick to well maintained roads or take a quad. good luck.

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