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The term "horns" drives me nuts

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hello- i keep referring to the basic hunter education programs - they describe in detail the difference between horns and antlers -ask any young person who has taken the hunter ed. course-

Most of the so called "slang" people use - is what they were taught! But to be honest - some may not know the difference! I have been known to ask if they do know the difference!

yes, it does bother me also! Gary

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Another thing I always find funny is when friends know you went out hunting and when you come back they always ask "Did you catch anything?", I always find it funny ;)


You beat me to it. I had a ex-girlfriend that would always say that. No matter how hard I tried I could not get her to stop saying that. Thats why she is my ex-girlfriend :lol: :lol: :lol:


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I also have trouble keeping my blood pressure at safe levels when I see otherwise literate people adding an apostrophe s to make a singular word plural, or writing "there" when they mean "their" or "they're," or "your" when they mean "you're." Most of us learned by eighth grade that we should use "who" when speaking about people and "that" when speaking about things, and that there is a difference between "it's" and "its," and "that" and "which," and on and on.


Thanks Mr. Q - a man after my own heart.

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