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Well my brother and I had 6a late tags and my first late tag in 4 years. I was expecting a very good season for deer since it was so cold early this year compared to other years I had tags. I had also helped a few friends during the Nov hunt and saw a lot of deer and some decent bucks. I had set my sights on 95+ for the first two weeks then 85+ the last week.


I have a bunch of 75 to 85 bucks under my belt so decided this year I would trophy hunt a little. I usually do not trophy hunt but I have only one over 100 and wanted another.


During the first week I saw a pile of 75 to 85 bucks and one I thought would go 90. My brother went after the 90, he was not trophy hunting and his other two Couse were 80 class. The 90 was rutting and chasing does all over the place. We ended up losing him and my brother made an awesome shot on a 85 buck at 487 yards.


We then went into a drought of seeing deer. Every spot we went to where I had seen alot of deer in November we would see 1 doe or maybe 2. Alot of areas that in years past I would see piles of deer there were none.


I also saw alot more lions this year then in years past and a ton of sign. Unfortunely none of lions (three) were easy to get to and two of them spoted at probably a mile away. I did let GRONG's dad know about one of them. Hopefully he can put his dogs on it.


ANyway the last week I spotted a 90 to 95 buck chasing a doe and went after him. Got in position and he bedded in some thick cedars. There were three ways out of the trees and I had two of them covered from my position. I sat there for three hours and he either left or stayed bedded til dark. I am sure this has happened to everyone that has hunted these elusive tacticions. I hunted this buck the last two days and never saw him again.


So I did not tag out this year but had a great time helping my brother kill his third and helping him see his first lion. We saw a ton of Elk, Bald Eagles, pigs, and a few bears.


I have to say this lack of rain this summer had to have a big effect on the deer this year. In some places there was no grass on the ground where in years past it was knee high. Most of the tanks were dry and it sounded like you were walking on broken glass because it was so dry. All I can hope for is another chance next year.

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It sounds like lots of people had a hard time on the late December hunts this year. We had lated tags in another unit and saw very few bucks and almost no rut activity. We also had lots of days with very high winds. We did get lucky and kill deer, but it wasn't what I thought it would be. Better luck next year.

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After the snow storm in 6a just before Christmas I saw rut activity and the 90+ I went after the last week was definetly rutting. He had is nose to ground like a bloodhound. I really think the lack of summer rain played havoc on the season.

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