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I got so sick of not getting shots (well, screwing up stalks, but that's another story) at Coues I committed myself to Muleys this December.


The day after Christmas, a day before my 31st Birthday, I went out with my father-in-law and spotted this guy. I got a morning shot while he was romancing a half dozen does. First shot was bad, but it slowed him down, he ran over a low ridge but the does never spooked. I looped around wide and glassed the next cut over trying to find him, but he'd laid down right beneath me 40 yards away. He got up and went 40 more yards and laid down again. I was able to get into 25 yards, and stuck a couple more in him to seal the deal. First shot at 8, had him in the truck by 11!


Now the monkey is off my back, I've got all of '10 to hunt, and I'm going back after those grays!



Thanks to stalkincoues (Christian) for the Range Snap, its been a great tool!





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Now I see why you made the "carp are deer too" comment on Grong's B-day thread :lol: Just kidding Tyson, congrats on a great buck! And +1 on the Range Snap. Very useful product.

Congrats again dude!

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  Coues Archer said:
What a nice muley how wide/tall is he.


He's not very tall, only like 11 inches off his G3s, but he's 24 inside, 26 outside.


His skull looks a lot like a Texas whitetail now that its cleaned up...

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...I am glad someone can throwdown some 9th inning heroics...very nice bowkill, congrat's... ;)

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  bonecollector said:
Congrats on the bow kill, now you have to wait a whole 3 days to go after the ghosts!




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congrats Tyson on a nice muley. way to get the job done. You grew up across the street from my best friend. We should hit the hills sometime. hit me up.

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