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Bones, 2 more pics

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You are a crazy antler obsessed freak.


Just kidding.... You are one of the best antler hunters i've ever met though.

Good luck and many antlers in the new year.


:blink: The Pot calling the Kettle black!!..... :P :lol: ;) , lmao. You too man, and everyone else as well, Happy shed hunting this year. :) .

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well you antler enthusiast,and grong I think have the greatest sickness of shed hunting on this site,thats freakin awesome,in this last dec 6a coeas hunt in the field 13 plus days I only managed to account for 1 shed so I am very jeaulous of you.


AWW heck, I could name a few more on this site like Antlerdog, CRB, SilentbutDeadly, Brian/Bryan from tonto, (theres alot more too) and a handfull not on this site as well that I know of like my Dad, Bill Bishop, Thomas powers, the Fagotti Family etc.. And I'm sure theres Allot more Shed Freaks I don't know of in az too....


azcoues, I'll quote az.antlerenthusiast here " The first 100 is the hardest, every hundred after that is a challenge too" Jason W., & he's found maybe 1000+ elk/deer? keepers and many more left laying, he would know. I'd say he's right.Also Patience/effort/location/aquired eye/tracking skill/a smidge of luck/ physical ability/ knowing areas/game- all that stuff...... also Coues sheds are the hardest most the time too so just keep at it, working your but off for just 1 sometimes is part of the game, makes that 1 shed pretty sweet huh :) .

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