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Happy Birthday Coueswhitetail.com!

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Just noticed the launch date of this site.


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Guess that the website and forums are of different gestation periods. Saw that Amanda did not join the forums till March 4, 2003. Does that mean we have two "birthdays" to celebrate? :P

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Hey Thanks for the Birthday wishes!!! I did indeed launch the site on Dec 23. I picked that date because it was my mother's birthday. She passed away many years ago and never saw the site or even got to know me as a hunter, but still I wouldn't be who I am without her so I thought it was a nice start date for the site.




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What a great Place and great bunch of people... this forum has grown alot in these 7 years! Congrats and Thanks to Amanda!

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Even being gone from AZ now, the CWT site keeps me coming back.

One of the best things about AZ and it is Accessible anywhere on the WWW.


Thanks Amanda and Happy B'day to CWT and your Mom.

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