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dangit, just when it was gettin' fun they nuked the thread about the stranded hunters. what did i miss? i want to add one thing. i'm real sorry to hear about the stock feller that died in the tree accident. what a rotten deal. from what i've heard and read, he was a decent guy with a family that he cared for. and he was a hunter. that's enough for me to like him. condolences and best wishes to his family. cwd will probly have something pathetic to say about it, but like i said, nobody ever hurt me with their mouth. this storm was a rough deal and i guess there are still a few guys that aren't accounted for. hopefully they're all ok. but this is a lesson for us all. what is it the boy scouts preach? BE PREPARED. take a extra sleeping bag and few more cans o' beans and spam and make sure that there are matches everywhere. bone up a little on wilderness survival. if you have a match and some ammo, pull a bullet and start a good fire. always have a knife. always. these new gps/radios are slick deals. so is a cell phone. be prepared boys. bein' siwashed is a rough deal. it's happened to me, so the rest o' you rookies are real susceptible. again, all the best to the stock family. gonna be a rough Christmas. and all the best to the guys they're still looking for. maybe muleyman won't hijack this thread. hunt hard boys. Lark.

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Didn't miss to much Lark unless I did in the last half hour.


Glad it got nuked and will now go see if he is still a member.

Hope not.

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screw him. every place needs at least one guy everybody hates and who isn't good for anything. it makes everyone look and feel better about themselves. gameholler was even feelin' better about usin' a 7mm/08. even a guy that uses one o' them is better than muleyman. but i was serious about feeling bad for the stock family and serious about everbody needing to be prepared. 99.9% of the time a hunting trip is fairly mundane as far as danger. but sometimes things go bad and a guy needs to be ready in case it does. first aid kit, matches, food, warm clothes, water, a guy needs to be sure he has everything he needs to make sure he gets back home. ya never know when lightning may strike. literally. Lark.

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'gameholler was even feelin' better about usin' a 7mm/08. even a guy that uses one o' them is better than muleyman.'



:lol: :P :lol: They say: You become apart of what you are around

and I am finding that true.

You have been around Jacka$$ crap for so long it has rubbed off .


You don't miss a chance do you ;) but think you have missed one of mine

or just chose to ignore it.


Thanks Lark for the laughs ;)

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Sorry to hear of the loss of another hunter hopes and prayers to his family.

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Just got back from Skylar's visitation... It was a wonderful proceeding. A lot of family and friends. Skylar will be missed. Skylar passed away while taking someone on his first hunting trip. Skylar Stock was too good for this old world. God bless him and his family. Everyones prayers were definately felt. Thanks on behalf of his family.

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tell us something about him. all i know is what muleyman said about him being stupid for camping near a tree and taking taxpayer money in his paycheck and all that garbage. for some reason i think he didn't know what he was talkin' about. give us a little obituary about skylar. tell us some good stuff. rub muleyman's face in it and let us know more about a good guy. this whole deal about the siwashed hunters and stuff has been something we have all been able to draw a little inspiration from has given everyone a rallying point, as children of the land. well, all of us except poor muleyman. can you imagine what it's like inside a brain like that? like i said, makes us all look better. Lark.

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In Loving Memory of SKYLAR W. STOCK February 3, 1982- December 7, 2009 Skylar, 27, passed away on December 7, 2009. He was a Tempe firefighter, loving son, brother, husband, father and friend. Survived by his wife Kari (daughter of Paul and Jane Barnes), son Slade , daughters Daisy and Maylee, parents Dennis and Cheryl Stock, siblings Erin Phelps (Shane), Lyndsay Winters (Derek), Marlesa Stock and Beau Stock, Grandparents Dallas and Ginny Stock. Skylar served an LDS mission in Guatemala, was a hard worker and great example to all.


In addition, Skylar's father shared the story of their first elk hunt together when Skylar was 13 in unit 6a. Skylar harvested a bull at 25 yards and was hooked. Skylar died in unit 6a helping a friend on his first ever elk hunt.


Thanks again, in behalf of the family, for the prayers and support.

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Hunting and being in the outdoors can hold dangers for all of us. This was just a very unfortunate circumstance.


My heart goes out to his family and freinds. I know this is a very rough time for them, especially for his wife and kids.


Godspeed Skylar!

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