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Just got back!

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First off I wanted to write this to thank Christian (azcouesandelk) for helping me out so much on my hunt. We were on bulls every day we just did not get the luck we needed to put it all together. We had an awesome time and the last two days were beautiful glassing in the snow. My buddy that had the other tag killed about a 325" bull. We were together and it was his birthday so I let him shoot first and thats all it took. Well, hopefully I will get another tag so I can get back and have another great hunt. Thanks again home chicken. I will post a pic of my buddies bull soon. Sorry I posted in the wrong section. utf-8BSU1HMDAwNDcuanBn.jpg

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Matt, I was thinking about you, I'm glad you made it back safely. Good thing you had fun and nice of you for giving your buddy a birthday present.


Ernesto C

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Sure wish I'da had an able-bodied guy like you over there Matt... all our big bulls lived for next year (as far as I know).... We killed a 320 on opening morning with a 63 year old man... his largest bull to date and a less than 400 yd. down hill pack to boot! When does that ever happen?? My buddy's guy (76 yrs old) blew 3 great opportunities in two days at a 340-350 type bull... and it too was an easy bull.... but we had fun anyhow.


Congrats to your buddy, a 325 bull is a great late bull! I can't wait to see the pics!

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That's a really nice bull and a big pat on the back for letting your buddy shoot it on his birthday. Congratulations to the both of you. :)



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Was the antler only pic taken at your camp? There was a huge camp right there.... I'd stopped in if I had known... we hualed about 3 cords of wood outta there last weekend. Congrats to your buddy on the bull!

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Yeah that was taken at camp we only had two trailers there. We were just down the road from the real big camp. Next time I'll shoot you a pm.

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Great late bull, congrats!! Is it just me or did that left G4 break AFTER it was killed??? :huh:

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Oh yeah you probably heard that story. The horses did great with the meat but went back to get the horns the next morning and got them down to the bottom of the mountain. Tommy went to give the horse a drink and the antler poked the horse in the side and the horse went ballistic. The horse was running off and the horns slipped off and impailed the horse in the belly. That made the horse go even crazier. He ended up loosing the entire cape and Tommy lost his 22 pistol. Just one of those things that happen and thank god no one was hurt. There are always fun circus events going on in all of our hunts. The horse ended up being OK too.

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No I hadn't heard, but that's a crazy story! Just makes the hunt that much more memorable in the end i guess! Antlers can be easily repaired and capes can be bought, more important is the horse was OK and nobody was hurt during the circus! Thanks, JIM>

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