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Dang it's cold around here. We ain't seen the north side of freezing since last Wednesday and looks like it will be at least Friday before we break the freezing mark now.

Below zero is every night and breaking 10 above is what we been hoping for for a few days now.


Sure wish those experts in copenhagen would send some of that global warming stuff to the American heartland! :angry:


By the way, if it ever comes up I can confirm that clutch fluid turns to slush at 5 degrees.

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if you make enough predictions, some of them will be right eventually. this is a good article about what the gov't was saying in '75. 'course i'm jest a inggernut rednek that don't know much, but i figgerd it wuz a gud artukl. it's just the weather. it changes by the minute. yesterday was as wet and gloomy as any day i've spent in oregon, washington or even alaska. but today is as pretty a day as they get. one thing weather always does, it changes. check out this article. it's a good one. and it's written simply enough that even a democrat can understand without obama 'splainin' it. Lark.





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Although I may be charged with having a permanent Kool-Aid mustache when it comes to this topic (plus the fact that I think there are lots of reasons, apart from global warming, to pursue non-fossil fuel energy sources), I heard an interesting commentary on the BBC about the climate change debate from a "skeptic's" perspective. It made some good points and gave me a lot to think about. Let’s see if the link works:





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Good clip Jimmer....


If there were no $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ signs attached to the Green movment and Global warming the Al Gores of the world would would be skeptics as well, instead of snake oil salesmen trying to rip off the common man through scare tactics...


The Vanity of man to think that we have control of this earth and Mother nature and deny the natural processes that have existed way before us.... That does not mean I do not believe in minmizing our carbon footprint to improve our quality of life and the habitats around us, but never once have I or will I believe that we are ever going to create or stop Major Natural progression be it the weather or the eruption of a Super volcano through this process ....

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