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Think the North country will get as much as they're predicting?? :blink: How about the Rim country Dec coues hunters? Could be fun!! :)


And of course as mentioned; Doug??? ;)









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Seeing the canyon with snow would be nice. I will have to look for a break in the blizzard, maybe Wednesday , to drive up there. Right now the wind is relatively calm and we have about 3/8" Guess change is on the way. Maybe Sedona will get some again. Sure hope the 2' comes to the forests. Cow elk hunters be cautioned. Radar is showing a good picture with lotsa moisture streaming out of San Diego/S CA.



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hello - And we expect some winter wonderland photo's being posted from the photo guy - red something - lol - Gary




I'm sured Doug will be takin pics- any you guys want to come up and give him a ride around !

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I'm sorry Doug, that just doesn't live up to the standards we've become accustom to in your pictures. What's up?

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Looks like 2-3 inches in my driveway this morning here in Prescott. I'm sure downtown got more. The kids are loving it.

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Good fun for the kids, for sure!!!! I know my little 'desert rats' are looking forward to our annual Christmas tree cutting trip to the rim this Saturday! They can't wait get wet & cold in the snow!!! :blink: ;)





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talked to a friend yesterday morning as he was driving from showlow to alpine. said it was pretty bad then. he called later and said he made it home but that he wouldn't be leaving for awhile. the news this morning said that flag got 20 inches and that the old record for whatever time span it was was 5 inches. must be a good snow. we got over a half inch of rain at the rancho neglecto. my mule told he to get out his snorkel if it rained anymore. good to see it wet. been a long time. Lark.

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Looks like around 12-14 inches here in Lakeside. Hard to tell exactly how much because the wind blew so much snow. Great to see it. On the Sunrise Ski Resort Website they say they go 24-30".





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Down here in the greater Tucson area, it is just rainy drizzle and clouds,wind and cold.


The wind last night was crazy!


Can't see the mountains. Everything is socked in with clouds.

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hello - my neighbor who lives n/w of ashfork - about 4 miles off crocton highway sent me these pic - I have property on the hill up behind her place - heres a winter wonder land - this elevation 5500- (edit) the top of the hill is 5400 so this is like 5300-***update** the snow was measured at 13 in. the most ever recorded at this location -lol -- Gary




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