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nikon fieldscope vs. leupold gold ring spotters

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I'm wanting to get a spotter here in the next few months, and only have a grand or so to spend. I'm looking at these two spotters, the fieldscope and the leupold. The leupold is lighter, but I know the nikon's get good reviews.


Does anyone have experience with either that they could share? Recommendations between the two? Other options that I'm not considering?





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Probably already got your answer, but just to toss more fuel on the fire, the Nikon is VERY good for the money. I've never looked through the Leupold, but, my money is on the Nikon for sure.

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I have the 25-75-82 Nikon field scope and Love it! Great in low light and for the price, you can't beat it! You can put it side by side with others that cost alot more and keep going back to the Nikon. Get a good tripod! Ben

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Go with the Nikon. I have an Fieldscope T3 with ED glass and it's fantastic. It's easy to pack, the view-thru case works great and the focus system is top notch. I'm very happy with mine.

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