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Late November Success

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Well, let me just say this was the best 3 days of coues deer hunting in my life. We had several tags in camp and I had my fiance along with my little brother. Opening morning started the weekend off with a bang. At first light I glassed up a great 3x3 and the stalk was on. You see my fiance Nicole needed a little redemption since last year the big one gave us the slip. We quickly cut the distance on the buck and Nicole made an amazing shot and she had a great buck on the ground. Nicole's buck grosses right around 98". I also got great video of her shot.


That same morning my buddies son, Cody manged to put the smack on another great buck which was his first buck ever. I do not have field photos of this buck. It is the buck held up in the skyline with Nicole. This buck is a 3x4 and it grossed 102".


Saturday morning found me up on a rock with my little brother and a buddy. It was a cold windy morning and the deer movement was slow. We heard some shooting and I started glassing in that direction and running towards us were four spikes. My brother has been on two coues deer hunts before and he has not had the chance to shoot a buck yet. I asked him if he wanted to shoot a spike and he said yes. We set up for the 300 yard shot and the rest is history.


The wind continued to blow all day and it was pushing 30mph. We figured the bucks would try to stay out of the wind so we chose to hunt a place that provided some protection. As Nicole and I were headed up the hill we jumped a great buck at 50 yards. The buck was not really concerned with us so I watched him top out over the hill. We hurried up the hill and ended up bumping him again. The buck ran into a mesquite thicket and stopped. I watched the buck bed down and Jay quickly moved to our position. We waited for the buck to stand but we were losing light fast so I did my best coyote howl. After the third attempt the buck had enough and stood up providing Jay with a shot. The buck was down and he was a stud. The buck had damaged his main beam in velvet causing it to bend back towards his face and he also had a broken G3. Even with the broken point the buck grosses 101". This was Jays first 100 inch buck congrats.


Well I did not figure the hunt could get much better but it did. Sunday morning found us glassing for Andrew who had just arrived in camp. After several hours of glassing we had not seen a good buck so we moved to a new glassing point. While we were glassing Jay was in a different location and he spotted a buck right below us. Due to the thick cover and the steep terrain the buck was only 100 yards below us but we could not see him. The buck went into a thicket and bedded down. We devised a plan for another buddy to bump the deer so we could get a shot at him. The buck jumped up and crossed the canyon giving Andrew a 200 yard shot. Andrew made a great shot and we had another great buck down. This buck was a 4x3 that grosses 88".


This was a fantastic hunt with lots of good friends and great memories. Hope you enjoy.







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Some serious bone collected in that camp! Congrats to all involved on putting the smack down on some great bucks! Thanks for sharing them with us.

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Again, awsome job to you and all the hunters. Congrats! It doesn't get much better then that for 3 days hunting!!!

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Wow great job. It seems your camp was the one to be at.

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Sounds like a great time, thanks for sharing. :)



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Great write up. It must have been very exciting. You guys sure beat the odds on this hunt. Congrats to everyone!

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