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waterhole vs spot stalk

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spotnstlk is fairly effective in az rim country. is waterhole patterning with trailcams a hit and miss lucky thing for nice bucks or is it a predictable and consistent way to bag an almost trophy -- compared to spotnstalk- or spot and cutoff-or spot and call during the rut. treestand/groundblind on water vs spotnstalk... give me your opinions please and thanks.

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I think the Spot and stalk still is going to be used in conjuction with cameras.


Many people on the site use cams. Look through some of the posts and you will find that often Salt is placed near the water or on a trail and then set your camera up. Once the animals are patterned, you still have some room for error. also, a lot of movement caught on cameras is at night, when you cannot hunt! so that is when your stalk comes in give or take a few hours.


By the way, welcome to the site

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Waterholes also have lots of mosquitos and insects!


I was sitting a water hole last year and had a falcon fly right at my face and swerve away right before hitting me. This falcon did this 3 times. I also watched him catch a sparrow in flight. Interesting experience.

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I think more than anything is what you will find is that your cams will tell you what is in the area. Whether your deer caught on cam are moving to water, salt, scrapes etc...during the day or at night, you will know they are in the area. If they move and come in during the day your camera will tell you when and you can plan accordingly. If they come in during the night well your back to plan #1...that is they are in the area--spot and stalk.


The nice thing about digital game cams is that you can take hundreds to thousands of pictures each time you leave the camera out and know exactly what, when and how consistently the game you are after comes in.


Often time is you can pattern a trail around a spring you wont' have to sit the water (literally on top of it). I have to somewhat disagree with bcoover (no offense) but most of the water holes I know about or have found arean't on maps at all. Getting to know and supporting ranchers in your area will open a lot of doors.


Mike your experience probably came because the hawk or falcon had a nest near where you were at. They are just like humming birds they do that.



Coues Cams

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You have got to have a more than one strategy... Waterholes work good as long as its relatively dry... If it has been raining, your favarite waterhole may not have any action for days... I usually have two or three set ups in a given area but I always seem to go back to spot and stalk... I'm thinking real hard about getting into the trail camera deal, It seems like it would be pretty cool...

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The best hunter I know has spent almost 20 years trying to kill a coues spot stalk with an arrow. He finally killed one last January. You gotta be good and you gotta be lucky. I can't walk without sounding like a train, so I'll stick to my treestand.



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Bowsniper just do't get out much anymore. He got his buck last year and hasn't been able to get any sleep since. All that horn honking can keep anyone from getting sleep.


LOL Just funnin ya Bowsniper.

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