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Spas 12 for sale

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Selling my Spas 12 - Hollywood's favorite shotgun. It goes pump or semi-auto. (It was designed for military use, and they need pump when less-leathal rounds like rubber or bean bags that don't have enough powder to cycle in semi-auto are used).


This one has the original factory folding stock and factory "hook".


I'm asking $1200 - which is what I paid for it. I don't have to sell, and I won't take a loss, so the price is FIRM. They're listing around $1400 on gunbroker. There are a couple out there now (as of 12/1) with "buy it now" or starting bids ranging from $1400 - $1800.


No trades please.


PM me with any questions.










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I have the same one except mine is a fixed stock pistol grip. They are a TON of fun!!!!!!!


This is another 'weapon' that is on the "list" for the ban. You might think about holding on to it, it will be worth a small vacation or a Mexico coues hunt afterwards!







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