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Found a successful Deer/Rabbit camp?

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+1 as to the comments above. The trash I come across just boggles my mind. I was out & about today, goin down a hillside. Someone had rolled a full roll of TP down the side of this canyon. Now WTH is up with these jerks... Get a rope 'an drag em back to the law. OK, I'm done. Maybe I should get a larger day pack ?



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As a side rant, taking a crap behind camp and leaving the TP to blow around the camp area is pretty disgusting . There are shovels or boot heals to dig a hole, and rocks to pile atop the covering dirt mound.


While scouting in 36B after the first coues hunt, I came upon a camping site from the week before and there were plastic bags strewn about the landscape. I was driving out so I decided to clean the mess up because I can't stand seeing people try and ruin things for the rest of us. So, I get out and notice there are a bunch of dug up spots...turns out the bags were full of human feces, and were burried a few inches below the soft dirt. The coyotes had dug up all the bags, and I got stuck with picking up about 8 bags of 6 day old hunter-crap. DISGUSTING. Stunk up my whole street for 3 days before trash day. They got a nice buck too, we talked to them during the hunt, fella shot a big 2x4 he said. Story of my life, the guy next to me shoots big bucks in my spot and I clean up his mess.

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The worst thing I have seen was on forrest land north of Sedona. We pull into the spot and there was used toilet paper spread out everywhere. It looked like an entire group of people got the hershey squirts and just threw their used TP up into the wind after they were done with it. I was tempted to go to a new spot, but I skewered all of the offensive little bits and burned them. Some people do not deserve to use the outdoors.

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I believe this past summer that USFS closed to camping the bottom of FR538 to Fry Park just above the Oak Creek switchbacks on 89, and also FR237 to the east at the bottom of Pumphouse Wash, for the very reason of excessive human feces. FR 538 above the switchbacks was a trash dump caused by "campers".

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