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New Mexico Mule Deer

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I just got back yesterday from a mule deer hunt in New Mexico. We were hunting just south of the Colorado line in some beautiful country. It was the first time I have ever hunted this country.


Opening morning it was 16 degrees and the deer were out moving.


We had a GREAT hunt!



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Hey Mitch I just dropped off you buck at Clays and Brian fell down the hill and dropped your antlers. They broke off right after the brow tines on the right side but Clay said he could fix it. He said you probably would not even be able to notice. Sorry about that. That thing was a great buck!

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Wow that is one healthy looking carp! Too bad about the antlers. I hear they can "almost" make them good as new. Really the mount is not that important. It is the memory of the hunt that counts. Broken antlers at the taxi really put these sentiments in perspective.



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Congratulations... It sounds like you had a great hunt!!!

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  Jakedunn said:
I heard that the rancher opened the gate, let the deer out, and you shot it off the road. Just what I heard.



Your jealousy issue is SO SO sad. Quit drinking the haterade.

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When you wiped the gravel off of its mouth from the road, you should have cleaned off that blood on its nose. How far off the road did you drag it for that picture? Any one else have a buddy that is constantly hunting while your left at home working?

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Just kidding about the antlers. Clay said great buck. Should be done in about 9 months. Congrats again.

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Wow cool buck. I had a tag in NM last year and we hunted along the colorado line. Saw a bunch of deer just no good ones.

congrats again.

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