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36A hunt with my son & friends!

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Spent last weekend in 36A with my oldest son (Erik) and some friends. There were two old child-hood friends from here in AZ, and a good old college buddy who came down from Salt Lake City to join in the fun & help glass. Myself, Erik, and one of my buds had the tags.


No, we didn't get a deer but we had a great time as always. Zero for three!!! ;) We glassed-up deer and javelina each day, and saw several bucks. Erik took a couple of shots at one of the bucks on Saturday morning, but it was a bit long (300 yds or so) for him and he missed clean twice. After two misses, he stopped shooting and let the buck move on (which at that point was just kind of standing there wondering why rocks & sand were getting kicked into his belly...) so we could try to get closer a different day. He only has a 6X scope on the .308 he uses, and it just isn't quite enough magnification at that distance. I'm going to fix that for next year! ;)


The weekend was spent glassing, hiking, trying to stalk bucks, visiting with old friends, etc. A GREAT time!!!!


We'll be back down there next weekend for the junior hunt. My two youngest have tags, and Erik has a javelina tag. Guarranteed good time!! ;)






Erik glassing on Saturday evening with the "new" 15s! (picked them-up gently used here in the cw.com classifieds! Absolutely LOVE them!!)



Spotted some deer & pigs!



Javelina.... Look close and you'll see two little babies on the right! Erik got a kick out of those little suckers.... ;)



Talking about the day's hunt while cooking dinner!



HUGE T-bones, spuds, and veggies over a mesquite fire! YUM!!!



Erik and I on the last night. He's only 15 and almost as big as me..... :blink: We'll get em' next year buddy!!!! ;)


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You guys got to spend time with each other and that is what counts the deer is only a bonus. Thanks for sharing.

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Looks like a great time! Nothing like getting out with the family.

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Nothing better than a father and son team, except a father and daughter team. I have 2 girls :).

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Agreed Sam!! I'll be out there with my 10 year old daughter on her first deer hunt next Friday!!! ;)






Good luck with your daughter. Are you guys going back to 36A? My daughter didn't get drawn for deer this year. She was disapointed, but looking forward to the turkey hunt in the spring. Hoping she breaks in her new 20 gauge with a tom!



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Yes, we'll be back in 36A. Likely hunting some of the same spots as last weekend.... Hoping to get down there this Sunday for some early morning glassing as well, but we'll see! Her and her 12 year old brother both have tags. Fun for sure! I'll post a report here next week.


Good luck on the turkeys in the spring! I'll be out there with all three of mine in the spring. ;)







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Yes, we'll be back in 36A. Likely hunting some of the same spots as last weekend.... Hoping to get down there this Sunday for some early morning glassing as well, but we'll see! Her and her 12 year old brother both have tags. Fun for sure! I'll post a report here next week.


Good luck on the turkeys in the spring! I'll be out there with all three of mine in the spring. ;)






Best of luck. I hope your kids can connect. I'll be down that way scouting as well this weekend. Looking forward to a report and hopefully some pictures of a deer or two.

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headed down Thanksgiving day to hunt the area till 12/3 with my son and a couple buddies...

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Great pics and the boys smile is evidence he enjoyed it!

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