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Neat coues video

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This was from the recent October coues hunt. I have had the camera for a while, but never really used it for hunting. Since I had already killed my buck on the archery hunt, I was the designated helper on this year's coues hunt for my dad, brother and good family friend. I figured since I had no pressure to kill a buck, I would try to film one hitting the dirt.


Opening morning, I had to work, but I got to camp around mid day. Shortly after, our good friend showed up. He had just been tooling around most of the morning, enjoying the scenery. He had never hunted deer in AZ before, but had been on several of our hunts in the recent years. I told him we weren't going to kill one in camp, so we might as well head out to a nearby tank and sit for at least the afternoon.


We sat the tank for a while, just enjoying the peace and quiet. Neither one of us was really expecting to see a deer, but it was nice to just hang out and relax and share a few stories. A little while later a quad drove by the tank. We weren't sitting too far from the road, so we both turned to give him a wave as he drove by, but he didn't see us. We both turned back around and there was a deer at the water! I flipped the camera on and my buddy set up. The deer then saw the quad and started to get nervous, but it was too late. My buddy was afraid that the quad would spook the deer, so he didn't wait for the broadside shot.


The video quality is horrible and I am not sure why. I have a very nice camera and it takes great video, but when I run it through the imovie program, it's really blurry. I will figure it out eventually, but here is a short clip of the deer.



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I don't have the pictures. We took them with his camera and he hasn't sent them to me yet. He was shooting a 30.06. The bullet actually entered in the neck and came out behind the shoulder. Believe it or not, he didn't lose any meat at all either.


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