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after a 12 hour flight from Auckland to LA, and a 1 hour flight to Phoenix, and a 4 hour drive to the white mountains, and then another two hour drive back off the rim, i arrived at my sites around 2.30 am this morning. i was just hoping my cameras survived the first few seasons. here's what I found.


this buck first showed up in June. Here's what I have of him through the year so far. I think he's young, with potential to be an absolute freak of nature in a few years.


I was thinking I'd call him "clubs" since his antlers resembled a driver and irons in a golf bag.










then finally hard horned. With all the palmation visible in this photo, I was thinking of changing what I call him to "Rosey Palms", for uh... obvious reasons.




It'd be hard to let him grow a few more years if he walks in front of me on December 11th. But I'd also be happy with one of these guys too.





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Dang Jay! That is a way cool buck. That last buck is a nice 3x also. Might be tempted to go after him and let the freak get even freakier. It is probably just the way his ear is but it almost looks like that 3x has a drop tine coming out at the base of his left antler?

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Yeah, Brian, it's just the picture. I've got good pics of both bucks. I was thinking what you are though, about passing on the NT and letting it grow. it's a pretty secluded area he's in... but you never know who else has or might stumble on to him also.

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Great bucks! I'd rifle hunt the 3pt. and come back in jan. with my bow for the 4pt. but you have a long way to travel so I don't know if that is possible for you. Good luck!!!

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Freak of nature for sure! Great bucks, thanks for sharing and good luck trying to decide which one of them to go after.

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Those are some BANG NICE BUCKS!!!! Looks like you've got one heck of a honey hole there!!!

Keep us posted I want to see the freak in your hands.


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