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which one would you shoot

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Ok. I know most of you will answer coues; but here is my issue.

I found a spring. water slowly leaks out of a rock face to form a little pond.2 1/2 long X about 1 foot wide X about 6 inches deep. i have 2 trail cams on it for 3 months. NO human has been there. There is a large 4x5 mullie and a nice 4x4 coues that hit it every day, along with smaller bucks. I made a ground blind 30 yards away at the only bush that is over 2 foot tall. i have to wait till January to send my arrow to one of them, if they are still around. which one would you shoot? I'm after the meat...

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A smaller buck for the meat. Maybe less meat but good eatin.

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Any chance we could talk you into posting the pictures of these two bucks?


It sounds like you don't really care much either way, so I would just shoot whichever buck gives you the first opportunity. If you really want some good meat, wait for one of the younger bucks.


Either way it sounds like you found a great spot! Good luck in January.




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Since you're going for meat, buy a side of beef its cheaper and tastes better or shoot a spike

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If you are really hunting for the meat, shoot one of the smaller bucks. I doubt you are or you wouldnt be trying to decide on which of the two largest racked animals hitting the tank you should shoot.

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I agree with buying the side of beef, thats way cheaper than hunting. If I put a price per pound on the deer my son shot this year, I could have bought a case of ribeyes for less. That being said I wouldn't trade that weekend for anything.

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If I was hunting meat, it sure wouldn't be for a muley buck. That's just my taste buds opinion. :P But to have a chance to hunt a rutting Coues'. I'd take a Coues'.





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