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2 days left

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With only 2 days left in my hunt, I have a question for all you long time coues hunters. I am seeing quite a few deer. The problem I have is none of them have antlers. If I am seeing nothing but does should I give up on that spot? Is it a good thing that doe are around? Kinda confused any help would be appreciated.

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I am seing loads of does. Most with youngins right behind. Has to be bucks around if there are fawns right?? I would think seeing something(does) should be ok. But I am not a expert by any means on this. Just read all my other question asking posts :P .

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On a Oct. hunt three years ago we saw nothing but does and spikes for two days and then in the same area on day three we saw five bucks any where from 70" to 90". Thought this might help you.

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O.K. you know where the does and fawns are but the bucks aren't with them so quit lookin for the bucks there . They aren't far off , dont go back to the same spot where you been seeing the does , move your search to some new territory close by . They like shade . Dont give up . Good Luck . BTW I'm no expert but this is what I would do .

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This is generally the time of year when bucks are in bachelor groups and generally not with or around does. Good advice to start where you see does and widen your search area. When you find one buck there will probably be more with him. Don't go too far from where you see the does, especially this year. The does and fawns have to be staying fairly close to regular water this year and guess what so will the bucks. Hope you do well.


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