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Fun October Hunt

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Well we just returned home from our october hunt and we had a great time. We had 9 hunters in camp this year, mostly family with a couple friends and knew it would be tuff to fill all of the tags. So before the hunt started,I had made up my mind that I would take the first shot oppurtunity I had.


Opening morning found us glassing a canyon which has held big bucks in past years. It was only 8:00am and I was already sweating as we were glassing due east into the sun. Glassing only turned up a few does but we figured as it was so warm, the bucks may have bedded early. We continued on slowly and crested a ridge that looked down into the canyon and low and behold we found what we were looking for.


Two bucks bolted out of some oak trees in the bottom of the canyon and zig zaged their way towards the top. My first shot connected on a forky and I then watched a big 3x3 somehow escape four shots from my father. He doesn't miss very often and as we all know that is why they call it HUNTING and not KILLING.



My Buck




A buddy of mine also shot a nice 3x3 on friday morning but I do not have any in field photos of his deer. Four other family members also got shots on this trip but all ended with no luck. All in all we had a great time and can't wait for 2010.


Our Bucks



My Buck



My boy with both bucks


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Congratulations on a couple nice bucks.

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that’s W its all about hunting and family

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Nice family outing....I agree, that's what it is all about. The two bucks with tags on them also makes it a little sweeter. Congrats.

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