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Held at gunpoint

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I too think something bad will happen in the near future, it sure doesn't seem like it's getting any better down there. Last year, in the bottom of a tight canyon, I had to step over a large bail of marijuana while the smugglers lay hidden in the grass no more than 20 yards away. A few of the smugglers were running up the hill with bails on their backs and I could only hear the close ones moving around so I knew they were there, I could almost feel the barrels pointed at me! I had an elderly client with me and told him to jack a round into the chamber and do it loudly and stay right with me! He was freaking out, as was I, and all we could do was continue on and act like we paid no attention to what we just walked through. The canyon we were walking through was very narrow and very steep on the sides, when we noticed the bail of weed it was too late, we were already right in the middle of the smugglers!


What if they had jumped out with guns on us? What if they just decided to shoot us right there as we walked past? I know my client, with his long range rifle wouldn't have been much help in that scenario and I know my little pee-shootin' 9mm won't do much either if these guys are packing assault weapons!


Makes me think I should take an AR or something for these next few weeks that I'll be in 35B, I know I'd feel better! Gonna get worse before it gets better! JIM>

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Wow.. Amazing! I cant believe the crap I am reading... We need to implement some sort of rough means of punishment to all the smigllers and gangs out in the desert... QUICKLY!


What about 36A? Any news on that unit and smugglers.

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Well Joking around the campfire with the guys I thought of how many states have you Harvest a Doe before you can Harvest your Buck and thought maybe in our Southern Units that a Harvest a drug runner before your Buck program would help thin down the numbers pretty quick .... :lol:

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Add them to the target list.. glass em and blast em.

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Add them to the target list.. glass em and blast em.


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Guest 300ultramag.

ohh no! here it comes the moment you bring violence this is gonna get BLASTED!

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Guest 300ultramag.

these people are probably doing it for medicinal purposes... remeber innocent until proven guilty! cmon guys give em the benefit of the doubt... you guys are just plum crazy. the are probably justy sharing the wealth of their harvests... you know fruit of their labor... and so on...

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The best campfire story gets better when as your drinking your cold beer talking about every hunt experience since childhood you are interrupted by TWO green and white trucks pulling in and four guys jumping out... strapping on their Automatics and testing their night vision optics telling you that they have to push out through your camp going after some illegal activity in the hills behind you... Great guys and dedicated they won't even accept a cold one for the trail they head out ..... A few hours later you are awakened in your tent hearing the sounds of them dragging their catch back to the trucks ..... You must Stand and Respect them for what they do and they are pretty vigilant at it and in doing so they put themselves at risk..... I have seen air response in minutes of calling in mules in some remote areas .... I have had them buzz us out scouting in an area that put us almost on top of the border ..... Have even helped a newbie after he got his truck stuck in the wash and I have yet to meet any that were not good guys .... They are doing their best but this situation is greater than them and we as hunters can help by keeping them informed .... They respond to the info we can give them ... So with that being said we all can help .... carry cell phones .... log GPS locations and direction of travel and anytime you get the chance to talk to them do so .... and always hope for every hunter out in these units that they are safe in the middle of this messed up situation which our government seems to downplay the severity of ....



I say thanks to all the Border Patrol agents that try to help with this problem every day



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Our lands are becoming unusable due to crime. Time to take them back. How much of a dent in the thug population could a few stealthy hunters create?



I'm just joking, maybe.

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AC we stand on the razors edge of a double bladed sword..... A bunch of bodies littering the land down there will only help the predator population which would slowly start taking its toll on the Deer herds ...... The first line in my opinion is the Samaritans and the other groups calling working with these cartels putting out food and water caches .... these people are criminals and should be treated like them .... they may put some stuff on well traveled paths for the average IA but I have seen many remote caches that there is no way the average IA would ever find ... only someone with detailed maps or most likely GPS would even come close ... SO IMHO I believe that these organizations work closely with the drug cartels and coyotes in aiding them in their tasks .....

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i will never forget one evening down in 36a-the last day of the jr deer hunt in 2000. i had parked the truck and sent the kid out with 'last day-don't come back to camp without a buck' and started glassing the hill sides. heard something behind me and turned to find a fellow in all black, web gear, mp5 and a sidearm. identified himself as border patrol, tracked around my truck, when i told him my son was hunting up the draw he said he already knew that, and just as the sun settled behind the baboquivaris' he walked off to the east into a roadless mesquite canyon towards the sierritas....... just then there was the sound of a .257 Roberts going off and had to get busy so did not think about it what with having to get a buck out in the dark.

a few years later i read an article on the border troubles and some agents called 'shadow wolves'. solitary trackers out all night long chasing the mules. would not want that job.



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36A is just as bad. Last year we ran into a smuggler covered in blood after one of these rival smuggler gangs held his group at gunpoint, made them drop their marijuana packs, and then opened fire- killing one of his buddies. These drug cartels are starting to find it is easier to just kill other drug smugglers who are already a ways inside the border and take their drugs from them. What do you think they will do if they find you, a hunter, and think you are going to call them in? Sorry to say, but after this I lost all desire to hunt south of Tucson. The sad thing is just last wk on opening AM for the Junior deer hunt we glassed up 14 smugglers coming down the Arizona trail in unit 33. THAT's RIGHT- they were a ways north of Mt Lemon and Tucson. I did report this to the unit game warden, who was amazed to hear they would be so far north in the unit. I talked to an ICE agent the other day who says much of the time they can't even bust them if they have less than 500lbs of marijuana. IT seems we have no control over this situation, and we are losing this state.

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i will never forget one evening down in 36a-the last day of the jr deer hunt in 2000. i had parked the truck and sent the kid out with 'last day-don't come back to camp without a buck' and started glassing the hill sides. heard something behind me and turned to find a fellow in all black, web gear, mp5 and a sidearm. identified himself as border patrol, tracked around my truck, when i told him my son was hunting up the draw he said he already knew that, and just as the sun settled behind the baboquivaris' he walked off to the east into a roadless mesquite canyon towards the sierritas....... just then there was the sound of a .257 Roberts going off and had to get busy so did not think about it what with having to get a buck out in the dark.

a few years later i read an article on the border troubles and some agents called 'shadow wolves'. solitary trackers out all night long chasing the mules. would not want that job.



Talk about a rush, if you have the warrior mind set then you will carry out your actions as such.


I have my hunt in 36b as well, and will be strapped with my Glock 21. and Bushmaster AR-15 slung over my chest. I wish it wasn't so bad down there but it is.



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This week, in the valley between the Rincons and the Little Rincons, aka Happy Valley, my wife heard voices @ 4:30 a.m. Asked me if I left the emergency radio on accidently (talk radio for a few choice minutes of Dr. Savage and Levine....car camping, why not?). I had not left the radio on. Around 6:00, lazy, focusing on coffee, I did not check for tracks.


Later, talking to another family camped about 2 miles away, they had heard their door being checked to see if it was locked. They weren't lazy, and did find tracks. Next night, nothing.


Meth heads? They took nothing of value I left out. Illegals? That area? Why, with the San Pedro close, or even I-10 near by.


How many pages will we write on this nonsense.


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