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We pulled this on on both of my sons when they were young.


Malted Milk Balls and Old Elk Droppings!!! or Rasinetts and Old Deer Droppings!!!


My buddy and I were elk hunting cow elk with our twelve year old sons. They had the tags, we were just showing them the ropes. We put out some Malted Milk Balls near some old elk droppings after one morning hunt when I went to relief myself. When I got back I told the kids that some elk had come through camp when we were out. I asked them if they knew how to tell old sign from new and we took a walk to where I had laded down the bait. They said "Yeah, the new sign is shinier that the old dry stuff." I said, "yeah thats one way but to be sure you have to squeez it." so I proceed to squeez it to show them it's softer. Then I say the only sure way to tell is to taste it. They look at my like I'm crazy... and then I pop one in my mouth. They are coming unglued at this point. Then my friend pops one in his mouth. Then we try to get the kids to try one. One of them eventually does and finds out that the jokes on them. What a laugh!!! We also did this with Rasinetts and old deer droppings. I actually have a video of the Rasinettes and deer droppings. I'll post it up when I get it down loaded.



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I honestly hadn't heard about this prank or at least didn't remember it, but I got pranked! Here's the story of my experience with it!





The names will be changed to protect the guilty



My friend "Jeff" and I were sitting with our client and his brother on a hillside waiting for a bugle. The clients brother "Mike" was walking around looking at the ground and I noticed he was picking up elk poo! Both these guys are from Virginia, and are actually seasoned elk hunters hunting several states every year. I know they are very knowledgeable about elk so I'm curious as to why he is picking up elk poo?! Mike walks over to me, drops some poo at my feet and asks, "Do you know the best way to tell the freshness of elk poo"? I said "yeah, the color and texture when I step on it". With that Mike leans over to the poo he dropped at my feet, picks one up and pops it in his mouth!!! I about lost my lunch right there, I could not believe he just ate one! Mike said, " You gotta taste it"! Mike was rolling it in his mouth and then swallowed it and said, "Yep, it's about 2 days ago and definitely a bull and he was eating some sage"!!! My friend and I were freaking out and just then the brother "Bruce" grabbed up a poo and popped it in his mouth too! I couldn't beleive it, these guys were nuts, absolutely disgusting! Finally, as Mike was going for another helping my friend noticed he was pulling Junior Mints out of his pocket and tricking us.....we had fallen for their disgusting joke!!!



Now, this is where I get some serious revenge on a fellow CWT.com member! I kinda feel bad, but not really because this dude is very deserving of all the jokes I've played on him this past summer! Sorry brotha but this is too funny to not share!!!



With this new prank fresh in my mind along with some borrowed Junior Mints, I start planning my greatest prank ever! I had my target and he was unsuspecting to say the least! I told everyone in camp that my clients were "elk poo eaters" and never mentioned a thing about the Junior Mints! Everyone was disgusted and that was when I bet my good friend "Pancho" that he wasn't man enough to eat elk poo! Pancho took the bet like I knew he would and turned it back on me just as expected! I agreed, I will eat elk poo if he ate elk poo too! To play fair, I even grabbed some elk poo and added a fresh Junior Mint to the pile when he wasn't looking and gave him first chance at picking it.......he didn't, thankfully! He picked a tasty REAL elk poo and I picked my tasty Junior Mint, I even held it up so he could see it and even then he didn't notice it had a little more shine than his! With witnesses all around, Pancho popped his treat in his mouth, chewed it up and swallowed it! GOTCHA!



Once I got up off the ground with my sides hurting from laughing so hard, Pancho wasn't about to let me win so he proceeded to tell everyone that elk poo isn't that bad and he'd eat it again.....and he did!!! He was desperate to not let me win and wanted to take away my thunder... no chance brotha, I gotcha good Pancho!!!


The cool part to all of this is that from now on when a new client asks me about the dedication and knowledge of our staff I can proudly say that i've got one guy in particular that REALLY knows his poo!


This is a true story, there IS an elk poo eater among us!



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This one isn't a hunting prank and didn't happen in the field but...


My son and I went fishing so we bought a couple of containers of worms. While we were at the lake, I happened to find the most realistic looking & feeling black plastic worm I've ever seen. Saved it for later.


On the way home, my son and I planned the prank. So I put the styrofoam worm container in the fridge with the fake one hanging halfway out on the back side so when you reach in, you will either "feel" it without seeing it, or get the container in motion and it will touch your fingers. Told the wife I was keeping the worms fresh for the next trip out. Took three days and I wasn't even home when it happened. They were both were laughing when I got home. Seems there was a loud scream followed by flying worm dirt as the wife was sure one of them was loose and starting to crawl out on her finger.

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When was stationed in Colorado, a good buddy of mine and me went to southern colorado for elk season. He'd been wanting to go with me for a while and I'm from there I had some pretty good honey holes that I didn't mind sharing with an army buddy from TX. We'd been hunting in the high country for a few days and decided to head to my parents house for a shower and a good meal. When we were all rested up I told him i know where there's a rattle snake den a couple miles from the house and they should be denning up with the cooler fall weather and asked if he wanted to go check it out. Of course he didn't say no so off we went. Got there and he pulled out his shotgun and i was just armed with my walking stick and a really watchful eye. The den is about 200 yards from the road, he loaded up and I took the lead watching out for snakes. We got to the den and sure enough there was probably over 75 rattlers of all sizes, by this time he was pretty well shook up because he thought i was just BS'n about the snakes. We watched them for a few minutes and i was messing with a couple smaller ones with the walking stick and he decides it's time to go so he starts walking back to the pickup, when i yelled "Snake" and smack him on the leg with the stick. I've never seen anyone scream so loud, jump 5ft in the air, turn around and rack a round in the gun all in one motion. In hind sight though it might not have been a good idea to make a guy with a loaded gun think he just got bit by a snake because i was right behind him when he drew down on the snake that wasn't there. I still get a good laugh when ever we get together and talk about old times.

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Well im diggin this one up hopin to hear some new ideas. I like the zip-tie around the driveshaft. everytime the drive shaft maks a revolution the ziptie hits the frame or whatever (muffler makes the most noise.) Its easy and works great and wont hurt nothin.

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Well I have one that truly stands out over the years spent in the field.


It was probably about 15 years ago when we drew a tag in 12B and we were so excited that we decided to go up and scout around in late summer. We took 2 trucks just

in case we had any mechanical issues. We drove up early in the morning and spent all day pounding the roads and checking tanks. At about sundown we decided to pull into some cedar trees and crash for the night. We were all drinking a few beers before calling it a day and that is when the star of the prank decided to show up.... A very small bat was flying around and decided we were interesting so he stuck around us for quite a while, sometimes getting so close you could have reached out and grabbed him. Well this went on until it started getting too dark to see him anymore and we decided to turn in for the night. I am sure you guys have all pulled the same scouting trips where you just throw a pad and a sleeping bag in the truck and go. Everyone had just got in their bags and was going to sleep when I noticed I had a cedar branch leaning over my side of the truck. I reached up and pulled a small clump of cedar off the branch and told the guy that was in my truck to watch. I tossed the cedar over into the other truck parked beside mine, what happened next was the result of a lucky toss.


The cedar flew through the air and landed on the neck of one of my buddies in the next truck. I have NEVER seen someone in a sleeping bag go from horizontal to vertical in one motion, the sleeping bag was still around his chest for a moment and then fell to his feet as he was screaming like a little girl grabbing his neck and beating his chest and head violently with his hands. The other guy in his truck jumped up too and was freaking out because he did not know what was going on. He kept asking him what is wrong. All the other guy could get out was he bit me, he bit me. What bit you he asked, the BAT was the reply, the BAT bit me on the neck. They were both freaking out looking for the bat in the back of thier truck. Me and the guy in my truck about passed out from laughing so hard. This story has brought alot of laughs in our camps over the years.

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This is a great topic. I am new to this site, first post in fact, and I like it already. One prank that I seem to do too much of is when its real early in the Am and your clients or buddies are not quite awake yet and you are walking to a stand or whatever is to step over things that arent there... fence, blow down or what ever. Just step over it and maybe hold it down with one hand then keep walking. When I turn back around they are usually loking for what I stepped over since they cant see it. Ha Ha... usually only works once or twice a trip but fun for me. Plastic wrap on the outdoors toliet lid isnt too bad either. Happy hunting !


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Several years back four of us are on an archery elk hunt. My cousin has to go back a few days before the rest of us. The day he left, unbeknownst to us he resets our alarm clock for like midnight or 1 am. The alarm goes off and after several snoozes we all get up, get dressed, get the coffee going, start drinking coffee, etc... We are standing outside our camper with the trucks heating up and finally realize we have about 2-3 hours before we have to leave camp. Needless to say we were not late getting getting out that morning!!

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im a bit of a prankster so ive got a few, one of my favorite is any time i take frinds(the cityfied ones) i take my electric call and palce it out side the tent and fire it up about bed time, yote pups and yote howls over laped, its fun to see the reactions, for some reson there a lil spooky when comes to yotes, :P

one we still talk about is i took my frinde out huntin quail for the first time so he was usin my old youth 20ga and my old vest, witch he's a big ol boy so my vest was so tigh he couldnt hardly get it off and i had to put his birds in for him, well we were in some thick brush and he miss's this cotontail, but he swears he hit it, so i give my lab the comand to finde it, well he catches this damb rabit and brings it to me, so i act like i wrang its neck and i stuck it in his vest, well abot 5 min later that rabit came back to life jumpin andd scratchin, and he was doin the same jumpin and yellin tryin to get the vest off, after many trys he gets it off he smashes the vest with the bigest rock he could pick up. i couldnt even stand up i was laughin so hard :lol:

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I’m not sure were I got this idea I think I read it here but I pulled off the funniest prank of all time this week end. This summer I had killed a big rattle snake in my back yard (I killed it with may 28 year old Daisy bb gun that my dad gotten for me in 1982) so any way a nice clean kill on its head. Well I had the great idea to put it in my game freezer with the idea that I would take it out one day to show my son when he gets older (he’s 7 mouths old).

Moving on my cousin and I (my hunting buddy for 30 years know) went out this weekend to do some shed hunting, target and camping bcs both our wife’s were in NY =) :P . As I was packing up food to bring (coues deer back straps) low and behold I found the snake (kind of forgot about it). Thawed it out the best I could, Sure enough that night I put it in his sleeping bag. Man there is not a word in English to describe the horror in his face as he was running out of the tent, long johns and all sleeping bag with snake at his ankle falling yelling screaming running for dear life at 11 pm. Keep in mind that is a big boy he’s about 6ft 5in 230 Ib solid muscle (ex football and body builder) one of the scariest looking guys you would ever seen (Personality of a labor retriever). He pulled out his shotgun to shoot his sleeping bag, at this point I’m on the floor dieing he was so scared that he kind of got me scared and I was the one that put it in there. So I stop him from killing his sleeping bag and explained that I would take care of it. To top it off I stick my head in the bag, (he still thinks that its alive) yelling and screaming that I have been bit. That was it I think he was having a hart attack, at this point he come up to me to help or see what’s going on at the same time I lift the snake to his face yelling. Man I wish a had a video of the hole episode

IT was funny, he did mention after the fact that pay back is a XXXXX. :(

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IT was funny, he did mention after the fact that pay back is a XXXXX.



Thoughts and prayers for you. :(


Good one! :lol:






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Back in the early eighties about six of made our annual trip to linx lake to hunt deer. On Holloween night we were all sitting around a table playing cribbage when one of the guys decided to slip off and put on an axe murderer mask. His plan was to come in from the darkness screaming ,and scare the !@$% out of us. His plan would have worked if the eye holes in his mask were big enough to see out of. The only reaction he got from us was a little help pulling him up when he tripped and fell into the camp fire.

Being the sympathetic guys we were we decided he needed a little pay back. After he went to bed that night we took his tube of camo paint and squeezed mustard into it. You cannot imaging the laugh we had the next morning when he began to apply a liberal amount of mustard all over his face.

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