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Guest Mike

Strategies for hunting in December

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Guest Mike

What is the best method for hunting coues deer in December? Is rattling a good strategy? Cover scents like doe in estrus?

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Brett said it best. Glass your butt off. I dont know of anyone that rattles their bucks up but give it a whirl. I would glass all day long because they are up and moving around at more unpredictable times and chasing does. If you find does, look and look again for bucks they will be around especially right around the last week of december. I would watch the wind more than use a cover scent because most the scents are not made with coues urine but rather regular northern whitetail products that may give off the wrong scents/hormones. Glass up the buck and bee line in to a spot to kill him.........Allen Taylor........

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In the past I've had some other hunters ruin a stalk (archery hunting) when they started rattling a buck that I was stalking. Both bucks on both stalks blew out of there like no tomorrow. I don't recommend it but that's just my experience.


I've found getting up high and glassing for does. Once you find some search out for the buck that's tending to her. If that's not a good enough buck then keep looking.


good luck.


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Hey Bret M. (Bullwidgeon),


Thanks for the great tip about finding December bucks.


Here are some further questions about your tip, if you are interested in giving answers.


If this type of terrain/vegetation is good for December, is it good for the October and November hunts as well? Why or why not?


Are the ocotillo ridges a good location because of the feed? I understand that ocotillo is a favorite of coues deer. Also, are the bucks there in December just because of the nearby does (rut) who like the feed there and regularly live there, and the bucks normally live elsewhere?


Do deer prefer to bed in the ocotillo or the mesquite flats, or are these just feeding areas?


Any input would be greatly appreciated since I am somewhat of a beginner at this.


Chris Darnell

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Guest Martin

Well the best way to hunt these little grey ghosts is to high point and glass your butt off. Get some really good binos, the money will be well spent and even a tripod. Glass over the same ridges at least three times. I can't count how many times I have seen deer on the 2nd or 3rd pass. Sometimes they just appear out of nowhere. Especially in Dec when the rut kicks in toward the end of the hunt. Keep an eye on does and you never know what buck may appear out the blue.

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Ocotillo patches have always held deer for me whether its October or December. I havent seen as many deer bedding in these ridges because I am glassing the SE facing slopes with Ocotillo which is the feeding areas. The bedding areas on the NW sides typically are brushier with less Ocotillo. I think they like the Ocotillo because of the leaves they feed on and I have seen bucks rub their horns on them. Its hard to see the deer in the ocotillos some times but I think the deer get a good sense of protection among the ocotillos and they feel comfortable/safe. Also for a december hunt, the deer are less predicatable, they move alot more than earlier hunts because of the rut just kicking in late Dec. You can see deer up moving later in the morning, mid afternoon and evening much more often than the earlier hunts. Glassing is the key and if you find does then look real hard for bucks if the rut has kicked in..............Allen....... as for flats, I personally believe the big bucks like the flats and with pressure they move further out on the flats because its really hard to kill one out there and the deer feel safe. There is always food, shade etc.......on the flats.......

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I haven't seen ocotillos with leaves on them in Dec. The deer feed on the leaves. They may bed there for protection but I don't think they feed on them.

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They bed in the Ocotillo's in December for some reason, I guess they do feel safe. Allen, it isn't that they like flats more than anyplace else, it is just that the deer that live in the flats can grow to be old because it is hard to kill them. Thats why quail hunters are always finding giant pick up heads down there. I saw a really nice buck (105 ish) Friday morning that lived through everyone trying to kill him opening weekend in the flats down in 36C a mile from the closest thing I would call a "coues hill". The only reason I saw him is because the buck finally got spooked from a few carp hunters on quads 100 yards away from him and he busted out of one of those ultra thick mesquite washes and ran over the slightest little cholla ridge and disapeared into another mesquite choked wash. The entire time he could have been seen by anyone was less than 45 seconds. The only way he will get killed if is he dumbs up a little and he gets to chasing does real good in December in the open.


Bret M.

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Wow, Lots of folks saying the Flats in Dec....:D


I have not seen very many REALLY big bucks, and I do not usually hunt the flats. Maybe I have a clue! :P


Anyway, I can usually find deer moving in and around the shady sides of canyons in the AM. Mid-day seems to depend on weather. Hot out and I still see them in the shade. If it is Cooler out and more likely sunning themselves behind bushes or trees. When very windy, they will move some, but generally seem to bed tight in an area with windblocks.


The thing is, I have a bunch of reliable spots, all of these are generally shielded in high canyons with difficult access and lots of escape routes for the deer. Not uncommon to see 80 to 90 inch bucks, but they see you long before most folks see them, let alone get in shooting range.

Seems like the Canyons and flats have that HUGE safety zone feeling for the deer in common.


Anyway, just some random thoughts sparked by lots of other good posts.

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Guest firstcoueswas80

the deer that i shot last year was in the flats. it was kinda late also, about 9 am. i havent seen very many deer in ocotillo covered hills. seen more in the mesquite covered hills and canyons. i think that the deer move low when pressured because of the abundance of cover and how hard it is to see them.


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