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mulie hunter

7 West Bull Elk hunt

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Before I really lose it. I think you experts should consider this.


It is great to play the distance game how far is that rock, how far is that bush ect ect., But you guys know no amount of practice is going to prepare you for the moment of truth. Muliehunter was not hunting a blind. He was not stalking from a distance. He was not calling him in. NO!It was the "OH Sh$T!" there is an elk shot. Really be honest. Your on your first Elk hunt. You have no opportunities for a few days. Your getting a little discouraged. This is not like the Elk hunting video's. Then suddenly you see some Elk. The adrenaline starts flowing. You say to yourself, "yea I will shoot that four point ." Then suddenly El Hefe shows up. Come on, tell me the truth. Who would be playing the how far is that bush game when a 600 pound animal surprises you. If you can honestly say on your first elk hunt, Your first shot, under the same conditions, that you would of calmly guessed the distance and expertly dispatched the animal you know what, you don't belong on this thread. Your too good for us mortal hunters. What we need is some stories of great misses.


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