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35A october hunt

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I have finally drawn a rifle tag for 35A. I was wondering if anyone has an idea on where to start looking for bucks.

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The October hunt for 35A can be tough if you are looking for big deer. The Huachuca mts have a lot of deer but also a lot of people. Don't be afraid to hunt the Canelo Hills. Walk along the AZ trail and you should see some deer.

Good Luck

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See what happens when you share info with one e-scouter, they excpect you to share with all of them. I bet if you took a ride out to your area, found some water with fresh deer sign, found a hilltop, sat up on that hilltop looking long enough, you would locate some deer, and if you didnt, then if you went to the next one you might, so on and so forth! read what game and fish has to say about that unit on their website, buy duwane adams book, oh wait, its easier to excpect free info from someone that has put some hard time in and reap the benefits from them. got ya! Finding the deer is half the fun.

ESCOUTERS ARE PANSIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Have not hunted coues in 35a but have driven through it several times for mearns. The hills west of Parker Canyon lake look nice, as do the draws along 83 as you near Parker Canyon. Quite a few Coues in the record book from Canelo Hills. Good Luck.


Let us know how your scouting and hunt go.




See what happens when you share info with one e-scouter, they excpect you to share with all of them. I bet if you took a ride out to your area,...oh wait, its easier to excpect free info from someone that has put some hard time in and reap the benefits from them. got ya! ...

ESCOUTERS ARE PANSIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"You never get a second chance to make a good first impression."

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Ya, thats what my intention was. I wanted to just wait for everyone to tell exactly where the deer were. Come on!!!!!!! No one had to answer if they didn't want, I was just wondering. I have archery hunted that area but never rifle hunted it. I know that coues deer move somewhat. So the deer may not neccesarily be where they are in the archery hunt. I already had an idea where to hunt but I am not quite sure.

Like the nice guy that said the Canelo hills. I have never seen any coues deer on the Canelo hills.


You can't tell me you have never looked online for help with setting up or tuning your new bow or broadhead. Or have looked at reviews online on a certain product. Same difference, the people that write reviews or write on tuning your bow have been there done that. They give you insite on the unknown.

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dillon_camo. It is not so much the E scouting, but your lack of contribution that irks people on the site. Members get real testy when people with less than 5 posts ask for input on a particular unit. Please contribute in other areas on the site. As already said the three main areas Huachuca's, Parker canyon lake and Canelo Hills are all good areas and all are listed on the G+F SITE. If you can get access The Mustangs have some good deer, yet it is probably the driest mountain range in southern Arizona. With the lack of rain we have had I would scout extensively before committing much time there. Lets face it this is a tough hunt that is why there is still left over tags for this unit. You are going to have to scout the unit hard or get real lucky.

Good Luck,


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I understand. I will contribute, usually I just read the stories. I have only seen mule deer on the mustang mtns. while quail hunting.


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See what happens when you share info with one e-scouter, they excpect you to share with all of them. I bet if you took a ride out to your area,...oh wait, its easier to excpect free info from someone that has put some hard time in and reap the benefits from them. got ya! ...

ESCOUTERS ARE PANSIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"You never get a second chance to make a good first impression."



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Not to change the subject. And I guess I'm not really e-scouting either. But can someone tell me how to access the Santa Teresa Mountains?

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Not to change the subject. And I guess I'm not really e-scouting either. But can someone tell me how to access the Santa Teresa Mountains?






Thanks Bob, You are very resourceful and I appreciate that. I will check that site out. Thanks.

Still I was just wondering if maybe this question hasn't been asked before on this site. And if so, maybe I could get some friendly help without going through, well you know. Thanks

Now I might be e-scouting. :) Peace



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In 32 :unsure:

Good luck ;)






Well if you have a 32 tag maybe you should ask Mike (Gamehauler). He thinks all the Coues in Arizona live there. Personally I think 22 and 23 are where all the Coues live. I say always put 22 or 23 as first choice. :P


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Bob Thanks, yeah all those guys up north tend to push the southeren units. You forgot 21 and 24? Anyways, I was just trying to help Minguscoues realize his error in bashing dillon_camo. Peace

PS. 32 is used up that's why I'm farther south this year. :P :P



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