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left handed right eye

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I have a step son that will be getting into archery for the spring pig season. He is left handed right eye dominant. For rifle this is not a problem as he is fully comfortable shooting right handed.


What should we do?


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Please dont think I'm trying to sound like an a$$ but; he needs to pratice shoothing lefthanded with his bow. Start NOW. good luck on the pig.


+1 on the get him shooting left handed or visa versa but you gotta shoot and use the same eye and hand!

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You should try to get the bow on his dominant eye side. All 3 of my kids are right handed but left eye dominant. They all shoot left handed.

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I would have him shoot with whatever eye he is dominant. In this case I would have him shoot right handed.If he is shooting a rifle right handed it should not be to hard for him. But you need to start him soon!!!!! He has got a lot of arrows to fling by Jan. in my opinion. And if you are not 100% sure he is ready by then I would have him wait. Just my 2 cents.

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I would go right handed and like everyone has said get him shooting as soon as possible. Good luck, it is a blast chasin pigs with a bow!

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have him shoot whatever feels more comfortable and stick with it!!! Im not a fan of the rt/left eye dominant stuff.... once you close one eye, the open one is automatically dominant! and due to some old "war" injuries, it can be overcome, especially at a young age...

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I'm also left handed and right eye dominant. I shoot right handed with no problems. I can shoot left handed but I have a hard time focusing on the target. Stick with shooting right handed. It will eventually feel natural for him.

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Whats the problem? Just close both eyes like I do!!


I am right handed and left eye dominant. I shoot right handed, archery, rifle, pistol, scatter rifle, everything. For me it's easier to close a dominant eye than to learn how to shoot *goofy. Like WOT said, "once you close one eye, the open one is automatically dominant!"



*goofy is a term for skating/skiing/surfing on your non dominant side.....thought you old guys might not recognize the lingo :unsure:

of course I am joking.

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*goofy is a term for skating/skiing/surfing on your non dominant side.....thought you old guys might not recognize the lingo :unsure:

of course I am joking.

My buddy I grew up with skated goofy footed LOL! I have not heard that in years.

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I Have a buddy who is right handed and blind in his right eye. He uses a switchback xt and had to learn to shoot left handed. He out shoots me consistently.

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