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Nikon Monarch atb 12x56

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A friend of mine has a pair and I was very impressed with them.


Also, send BlackDog a PM - he use to rep sporting optics for Nikon and can provide you with some good info. He's not on the site too often so it may take a few days for him to respond but he would be a good source for info.

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Here is a bit of info:






I have a pair and am very pleased. They are not Swaros or Zeiss, but for the money perform well.


They also crashed off my Velbon Sherpa tripod and were fixed in 17 days back in my hands due to the no fault warranty. $20.00 bucks was all it cost to fix them. ;)


Glass on!



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I've had them for a while and they are a pretty good glass. However, I recently bought the Brunton Externa 15x51's which gather light better, are much lighter, are a little cheaper, and have the extra magnification. Just this past weekend I was out scouting with a friend and we used these two side by side glassing some nice coues bucks and you could judge the antlers much better with the Bruntons.

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