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What contributes most to harvesting MONSTER BUCKS

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Everything that everyone has said is good and true but not a lot of people have been able to kill truly MONSTER BUCKS on a consistant basis, at least north of the border. The people that have done it on a consistant basis have put more into it than we can imagine and probably more than most of us would be willing to give.

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Everything that everyone has said is good and true but not a lot of people have been able to kill truly MONSTER BUCKS on a consistant basis, at least north of the border. The people that have done it on a consistant basis have put more into it than we can imagine and probably more than most of us would be willing to give.

+1 but if i could afford it I would love to be able to give this kind of time and dedication into finding monster bucks on a consistant basis!

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Everything that everyone has said is good and true but not a lot of people have been able to kill truly MONSTER BUCKS on a consistant basis, at least north of the border. The people that have done it on a consistant basis have put more into it than we can imagine and probably more than most of us would be willing to give.

+1 but if i could afford it I would love to be able to give this kind of time and dedication into finding monster bucks on a consistant basis!


:( Boy, you guys are worrying me, allmost sounds like your saying that only Rich, Full time Hunters can get on the Bigguns? I thought this thread was about " How To" factors, Not the reasons "I can't" excuses, come on fellas. What one man can do, another CAN do.

Think you can, think you can't, you'r right!! :)


What were the tactics implemented to slay your big ol' avatar Brian? Can it not be done again? Don't forfeit the game, it has not yet started.








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This is a smooth topic and sure to generate interest. I will just relay my honest opinion to the topic asked. It's the trail cam. It wasn't to long ago that you actually had to be in the field to scout your area. You would go up to a water hole and survey the tracks around it. You would normally have to guess how many deer were in there. Most importantly you would have to guess how big that buck was to leave such a big track or even if it was a buck and not some old doe. Then you would spend countless hours glassing and learning the area. But today is a little different. Today we have technology to assist us. We can place a cam here or there and actually see what is coming in. No more guessing or actually scouting. Makes it easier to sit for long hours in one place if you've seen something promising on your cam. I'm still behind the times, I have yet to use a cam. Been thinking about it. But I'm too old school and stubborn in my views on hunting, I guess. I have trouble sitting anywhere for long periods of time anyways. But if I knew a giant was coming in....Well, I might have to get someone to chain me to a tree.. Peace :)


I can understand your feeling on TCs but at the same time have to completly disagree. I have found since my addiction to trail cams has started I find myself in the field ALOT more than I used to. You still are using and honing the same skills as you were before. Theres a lot of scouting that goes into just setting up a trail cam. Finding a right area, and for the reason of not wanting to get the cam stolen I have found it makes me explore more of the backcountry.


Now on the same note, the cams that send the pictures to your email in realtime might be crossing the line IMO.



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QUOTE (arizonaelitefreak @ Sep 21 2009, 10:30 PM) 
QUOTE (Brian Payne @ Sep 21 2009, 09:46 PM) 
Everything that everyone has said is good and true but not a lot of people have been able to kill truly MONSTER BUCKS on a consistant basis, at least north of the border. The people that have done it on a consistant basis have put more into it than we can imagine and probably more than most of us would be willing to give.

+1 but if i could afford it I would love to be able to give this kind of time and dedication into finding monster bucks on a consistant basis!

Boy, you guys are worrying me, allmost sounds like your saying that only Rich, Full time Hunters can get on the Bigguns? I thought this thread was about " How To" factors, Not the reasons "I can't" excuses, come on fellas. What one man can do, another CAN do.
Think you can, think you can't, you'r right!!  

What were the tactics implemented to slay your big ol' avatar Brian? Can it not be done again? Don't forfeit the game, it has not yet started.



In no way was I trying to be a naysayer or ruin peoples hopes. After all, hunting on public land gives everyone a chance at a truly MONSTER buck. This is what we all dream about and why we get so excited about hunting every year. The more things we do right the better are odds are and that is really the idea behind this topic.


Let me start by saying peoples definitions of MONSTER bucks vary. I guess my idea of a MONSTER buck is the same as B&Cs idea, a buck that nets over 110". The buck in my avatar grosses 101" so by my standards he is not a MONSTER. He is a BIG buck, and a TROPHY to me that I was happy to kill and am happy to look at on my wall but not a MONSTER. Some people may set their standards lower or higher.


My point was this; There are many people that have been able to kill MONSTER bucks and maybe even several of them in their lifetime but only a few that have done it on a consistant basis, year after year, tag after tag. Jim Reynolds has practically rewritten the record books for coues deer. There was a time in Arizona when you could draw a tag and still get a left over tag as well. In 1984 and 1985 Jim killed 4 B&C bucks. If you ask Jim what it took to do this it is much more than most of us on this site are willing to give. He had multiple bucks of that caliber patterned and if one didn't pan out he would go after another one.


I spend about 30 days a year in the field including hunting days. That is all I can do to balance family, work, church and hunting in a way that I think is acceptible for me. Again, this balance varies for different people. I feel like with my skills and time I can kill 90-100" bucks on a fairly consistant basis with an occassional chance at something bigger. That is OK with me.


I didn't mean to swing this off course from the tactical aspect that it was probably intended for, but it is important that we realize some of the sacrifices that some of the most accomplished hunters make.

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Thanks for all the input. I think Brian is correct about definition of "monster". I would classify a monster as anything going 110"+. We have a family friend that used to guide bighorn sheep hunts. I believe he has guided more world record sheep hunts then anyone in the country. He literally spent every weekend and spare moment in the field and the rams he and his clients harvested showed that. He knew each ram according to markings and horn layout.


A good friend of mine consistently harvests 105"+ buck every years.....he spends a lot of time in the field (as part of his job) but he also has a innate instinct as to where they will be and how they will react. He's killed bucks in different units in southern arizona. I'd say the one bit of information I get from him is to be patient......"you'll never kill a monster if you shoot a dink". Patience and waiting for the big one is a MUST. He also goes further and hunts harder than anyone I personally know.



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I would agree with the last statement ......"you'll never kill a monster if you shoot a dink". I find it toughest to pass on the smaller, yet still great bucks, in order to take a "Monster". Being patient is a huge factor in tagging a Monster buck. Great thread!

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I Agree with your idea as well that a monster would be a 110 plus, Maybe even a 100 inch buck since no whatter how old bucks are most will barely ever reach that size100-110. Maybe now you see the pressure I (or someone like myself) would put on myself to match last years pretty much, so people won't tell me it can't be done often, and I can prove to myself and whoever else that it wasn't just luck.?. I want to be one of those accomplished hunters that bags a booner every year or close too it, with whatever weapon I can. Maybe I'm setting myself up for a let down, Even though the hunt itself is what I cherish most, not the rack .Maybe I'll be a Top notch coues hunter after a couple more seasons? :huh: .

It would be terrible to think though that I'll never bag another booner size buck117g/113n, like must hunters have told me. Everyone would assume I just got lucky, when that's not really the case. Allthough I do thank God none the less. But I'm a firm believer that God helps those who help themselves. We'll see if everyone is right that by by getting a booner for my first, ruined me as a coues hunter or not. We'll also see If I get something similar this Oct General season with my muzzy or in Jan with my bow, I hope so :) Or at least once more in this lifetime!!! . One can only dream, set goals and work towards them.


Back to the technical, I think Hunting hard, whatever that personally means too you, doing your best, giving your all, and then some maybe. At least we'd all hope the biggest ones are taken by the most dedicated, not allways the case. I'm one of those that actually deserved one though. I hope there are more to come............... or maybe I should just quit now........................ YEAH RIGHT.











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You know what the difference between 100 and 110. 10 inches. 5 inches a side. Big wow! People start obsessing about monster bucks and scouting them and baby sitting them, keeping a code of silence. The worst of human emotions becomes evident. Those one's that are against the commandments. Like do not covet thy neighbors rack! Really if you can keep it all positive. Keep jealousy and greed out of the equation good for you. If you can honestly shake a hunters hand that just shot "your monster buck" then I say you have a good balance. There is the other side. We have heard the stories. The sick ones. splitting the skull for a few points here. Knocking a point off there for a bigger net score. Kicking the wrong deer off the cliff because you thought he was the one. Shooting a deer a week early while your best hunting buddy lie in the hospital. I use to think, that I would like to be a trophy hunter. The challenge of it appeals to me, but the competitiveness of it sickens me. I don't just mean competitiveness between hunters. I mean the competitiveness within the mind. The thought that a 111 inch buck could some how be superior to a 109 inch buck is nonsense. The concept of ground shrinkage is a joke. "I swore he was 115, but he only taped out to 105, so I am disappointed." What? So I have given up my trophy hunting aspirations a while a go. The ironical thing is I shoot larger animals now, when I truly don't care. I hunt for fun and fun only. If it is no longer fun I will quit. Going back to Scott's original post. I would be proud to put my tag around an 86 inch whitetail. I would never pass it up. So my answer to the question "What contributes most to harvesting MONSTER BUCKS." My answer would have to be. WHY?


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You know what the difference between 100 and 110. !0 inches. 5 inches a side. Big wow! People start obsessing about monster bucks and scouting them and baby sitting them, keeping a code of silence. The worst of human emotions becomes evident. Those one's that are against the commandments. Like do not covet thy neighbors rack! Really if you can keep it all positive. Keep jealousy and greed out of the equation good for you. If you can honestly shake a hunters hand that just shot "your monster buck" then I say you have a good balance. There is the other side. We have heard the stories. The sick ones. splitting the skull for a few points here. Knocking a point off there for a bigger net score. Kicking the wrong deer off the cliff because you thought he was the one. Shooting a deer a week early while your best hunting buddy lie in the hospital. I use to think, that I would like to be a trophy hunter. The challenge of it appeals to me, but the competitiveness of it sickens me. I don't just mean competitiveness between hunters. I mean the competitiveness within the mind. The thought that a 111 inch buck could some how be superior to a 109 inch buck is nonsense. The concept of ground shrinkage is a joke. "I swore he was 115, but he only taped out to 105, so I am disappointed." What? So I have given up my trophy hunting aspirations a while a go. The ironical thing is I shoot larger animals now, when I truly don't care. I hunt for fun and fun only. If it is no longer fun I will quit. Going back to Scott's original post. I would be proud to put my tag around an 86 inch whitetail. I would never pass it up. So my answer to the question "What contributes most to harvesting MONSTER BUCKS." My answer would have to be. WHY?



Whoa :blink: . lol. No one said a 86 inch Coues isn't a fine mature buck............. heck, my standars before my curse of an avatar was a Spike.

Since I had heard from many a man that ANY Coues deer was a trophy, and my father hunted hard for 7 days and brought home a last day spike a year prior as well. I would be one that could congradulate a hunter that shot a specific deer I was after I might add, And people kick deer off cliffs??!! And purposly destroy or damage racks??!! new ones on me :o .

As Hank would say" calm down Bobby, lol" ;) ,


Since you answered a question topic initiated to probly share tips and common tactics between us with another question, " WHY" I would answer that With the famous answers of because you can, because it's there, why not, Because it's fun, Just because, Theres more meat on a big one, the antlers are bigger, Who wouldn't want their buck noted in history (records), It's good for Conservation, Let the little ones grow, Because coyotes and lions eat allot of the young ones, It's an added challenge etc. etc........... Of course on the last day this year I'll have no problem shootin a spike ;)Would have the first day last year maybe..... . I understand that It's not all about inches and eigths.


But since this topic is................................ Any tips on Getting a BBD??? I know with all your years of experience you gotta have some.........

C'mon Bobby, you BIG GIANT DEER SLAYIN MACHINE< compliment!!!!!! lol :P C'mon buddy, your holding out, I know you are.


Anyone have any tips too share on late season calling useing rattleing/grunts? I've heard this works on Coues like it can on the easterns. Wanted to try it this Jan. Is there a doe in estrus scent on the market for Coues? Or one that's eastern that would work in the coues rut?

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I Agree with your idea as well that a monster would be a 110 plus, Maybe even a 100 inch buck since no whatter how old bucks are most will barely ever reach that size100-110. Maybe now you see the pressure I (or someone like myself) would put on myself to match last years pretty much, so people won't tell me it can't be done often, and I can prove to myself and whoever else that it wasn't just luck.?. I want to be one of those accomplished hunters that bags a booner every year or close too it, with whatever weapon I can. Maybe I'm setting myself up for a let down, Even though the hunt itself is what I cherish most, not the rack .Maybe I'll be a Top notch coues hunter after a couple more seasons? :huh: .

It would be terrible to think though that I'll never bag another booner size buck117g/113n, like must hunters have told me. Everyone would assume I just got lucky, when that's not really the case. Allthough I do thank God none the less. But I'm a firm believer that God helps those who help themselves. We'll see if everyone is right that by by getting a booner for my first, ruined me as a coues hunter or not. We'll also see If I get something similar this Oct General season with my muzzy or in Jan with my bow, I hope so :) Or at least once more in this lifetime!!! . One can only dream, set goals and work towards them.


Back to the technical, I think Hunting hard, whatever that personally means too you, doing your best, giving your all, and then some maybe. At least we'd all hope the biggest ones are taken by the most dedicated, not allways the case. I'm one of those that actually deserved one though. I hope there are more to come............... or maybe I should just quit now........................ YEAH RIGHT.



I dont mean to be a party pooper or a jerk and I aint jealous you shot a fine buck congrats on that but I say it was pure luck on your part and I for one would like to see you pull another one out of unit 31 if you can do that then in my book you are an accomplished hunter like you say you aim to be.

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You know what the difference between 100 and 110. !0 inches. 5 inches a side. Big wow! People start obsessing about monster bucks and scouting them and baby sitting them, keeping a code of silence. The worst of human emotions becomes evident. Those one's that are against the commandments. Like do not covet thy neighbors rack! Really if you can keep it all positive. Keep jealousy and greed out of the equation good for you. If you can honestly shake a hunters hand that just shot "your monster buck" then I say you have a good balance. There is the other side. We have heard the stories. The sick ones. splitting the skull for a few points here. Knocking a point off there for a bigger net score. Kicking the wrong deer off the cliff because you thought he was the one. Shooting a deer a week early while your best hunting buddy lie in the hospital. I use to think, that I would like to be a trophy hunter. The challenge of it appeals to me, but the competitiveness of it sickens me. I don't just mean competitiveness between hunters. I mean the competitiveness within the mind. The thought that a 111 inch buck could some how be superior to a 109 inch buck is nonsense. The concept of ground shrinkage is a joke. "I swore he was 115, but he only taped out to 105, so I am disappointed." What? So I have given up my trophy hunting aspirations a while a go. The ironical thing is I shoot larger animals now, when I truly don't care. I hunt for fun and fun only. If it is no longer fun I will quit. Going back to Scott's original post. I would be proud to put my tag around an 86 inch whitetail. I would never pass it up. So my answer to the question "What contributes most to harvesting MONSTER BUCKS." My answer would have to be. WHY?



Whoa :blink: . lol. No one said a 86 inch Coues isn't a fine mature buck............. heck, my standars before my curse of an avatar was a Spike.

Since I had heard from many a man that ANY Coues deer was a trophy, and my father hunted hard for 7 days and brought home a last day spike a year prior as well. I would be one that could congradulate a hunter that shot a specific deer I was after I might add, And people kick deer off cliffs??!! And purposly destroy or damage racks??!! new ones on me :o .

As Hank would say" calm down Bobby, lol" ;) ,


Since you answered a question topic initiated to probly share tips and common tactics between us with another question, " WHY" I would answer that With the famous answers of because you can, because it's there, why not, Because it's fun, Just because, Theres more meat on a big one, the antlers are bigger, Who wouldn't want their buck noted in history (records), It's good for Conservation, Let the little ones grow, Because coyotes and lions eat most the young ones, It's an added challenge.......... Of course on the last day I'll have no problem shootin a spike ;) . I understand that It's not all about inches and eigths.


But since this topic is................................ Any tips on Getting a BBD??? I know with all your years of experience you gotta have some.........

C'mon Bobby, you BIG GIANT DEER SLAYIN MACHINE!!!!!! lol :P

Dustin you got great spirit. It's good to see people not so up tight. You know those big ones are tough eating anyways. :lol: Heck , My uncle takes spikes every year and we call him a trophy hunter... Keep the spirit..

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I dont mean to be a party pooper or a jerk and I aint jealous you shot a fine buck congrats on that but I say it was pure luck on your part and I for one would like to see you pull another one out of unit 31 if you can do that then in my book you are an accomplished hunter like you say you aim to be.

I'll try ...... I suppose the hundreds of sheds I've found are just by luck too, I cant read animal sign for crap ya know.. Please go back and read my first post on the first page of this topic and then tell me it was pure luck........... If you still think that after reading the tactics I used on that hunt, :) then.. we will simply agree to disagree :) I'm actually more worried this year about my shooting ability with my muzzy then my ability to locate another booner...... But that's why we hunt, cause nothin is for sure and you just never know, Would that be the " luck" factor? But i'm pretty sure I know where to find umm and know what to do...... But if i don't. I'll just blame it on " bad luck", lol.

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Dustin you got great spirit. It's good to see people not so up tight. You know those big ones are tough eating anyways. :lol: Heck , My uncle takes spikes every year and we call him a trophy hunter... Keep the spirit..


Thanks :) , Now let's get back too............ " What contributes most to harvesting MONSTER BUCKS?" srry, coues7.


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