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While I was sleeping...

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Sundevil and I went out for a quick scouting trips this weekend primarily to learn the roads in a new area we are considering hunting this year. We drove roads most of the day to get a better understanding of what areas were accessible. Before we headed home we took a few hours to glass an area we thought might be productive.


Having not slept well the night before and after getting up earily for a morning glass I could barely keep my eyes open. After having glassed the same small cut three times with my eyes closed I thought I might as well try to catch a brief nap before the prime glassing time. After about 20 minutes of sleep Chris came and told me I wasn't going to find many deer that way and then almost immediately after sitting down said "There's a deer...it's a buck...it's a good buck. Sure enough there was a good deer in same cut I was glassing with my eyes closed. Here are some pictures -






Here's a little video of too -




Later I glassed up two yotes not far from where Chriss found the buck - he had his rifle with him so he took a whack at one of them. From the looks of it he connected but not well enough to drop him immediately.


All in all it was a very good trip - saw close to 50 deer, 6 bucks, 2 yotes and 2 rattlers. More importantly we found a number of areas we need to go back and look at.

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Nice buck Larry! Good pics of him as well. Hopefully the new area will produce for you guys.

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...it's a buck...it's a good buck.


Been watching a little Jackie Bushman, have ye?


Hopefully your scouting will reveal a nice buck for December





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not only does he not glass up deer while he is sleeping but he also SNORES and scares most of the deer into the next canyon. \"/

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