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Stolen Gun Safe

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I live in Bel Air Ranch. My insurance will cover 15k towards guns and optics, this however, will not cover the replacement of all of the gun's. In speaking with the detective, the Northeast side of Tucson is a hot bed for break-in's. Bolt your safe to the the floor and wall, have a security system, and speak with your neighbors and encourage them to be vigalant. I live on a main street in my subdivision with a lot of traiffic and so far, no one has seen a thing. This day in age, are lives are hectic. We no longer seem to know our neighbors well, we don't know what type of car they drive, what there work schedules are, or even seem to notice or care when 6 guy's are loading a 1700lbs gun safe into the back of a truck.

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Sorry to here that, my house got broke into about a month ago here in Safford. They got away with all my hunting stuff, bow, 15x56's, guns, cash, tv, wifes jewelry, etc. It is bull sh*# that people can do that to someone.

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I live in Bel Air Ranch. My insurance will cover 15k towards guns and optics, this however, will not cover the replacement of all of the gun's. In speaking with the detective, the Northeast side of Tucson is a hot bed for break-in's. Bolt your safe to the the floor and wall, have a security system, and speak with your neighbors and encourage them to be vigalant. I live on a main street in my subdivision with a lot of traiffic and so far, no one has seen a thing. This day in age, are lives are hectic. We no longer seem to know our neighbors well, we don't know what type of car they drive, what there work schedules are, or even seem to notice or care when 6 guy's are loading a 1700lbs gun safe into the back of a truck.



I'm right around the corner from you. I guess my weekend project has just been defined for me...Anyone have an impact drill I can borrow? I'll need to review my policy rider to make sure the value of my guns is covered.


Really hope you are able to recover your guns and the SOBs that took them end up behind bars.

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Also, not only will you need you serial #'s for your gun's but for your optics, electronics, and pic's of everything would be great. What I did was video tape me holding each gun while reading the serial #. I gave a copy to the insurance, one to the police and kept one for myself. M y problem is I hadn't updated the video in several years.

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Sad thing is with the ones we had stole, we had all the info on it and the cops said they would try to keep an eye out for them and put them in their data base, but they honestly have so much to worry about you know in your heart that those guns are gone..........

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I live in Bel Air Ranch. My insurance will cover 15k towards guns and optics, this however, will not cover the replacement of all of the gun's. In speaking with the detective, the Northeast side of Tucson is a hot bed for break-in's. Bolt your safe to the the floor and wall, have a security system, and speak with your neighbors and encourage them to be vigalant. I live on a main street in my subdivision with a lot of traiffic and so far, no one has seen a thing. This day in age, are lives are hectic. We no longer seem to know our neighbors well, we don't know what type of car they drive, what there work schedules are, or even seem to notice or care when 6 guy's are loading a 1700lbs gun safe into the back of a truck.



I'm right around the corner from you. I guess my weekend project has just been defined for me...Anyone have an impact drill I can borrow? I'll need to review my policy rider to make sure the value of my guns is covered.


Really hope you are able to recover your guns and the SOBs that took them end up behind bars.


Let me know if you find one, Larry... I'm right around the corner from you guys as well and after reading that they made off with the safe "in totale", I'll be bolting mine down as well.. The NE side has been getting hammered.. Thee has been 2 break ins within my division of Silverado Hills in the last few months..


I've had a home security system since we moved in here, but you cant be too careful these days..


I need to make a vid like that as well for the insurance comp..

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That stinks! Have you had any service or repair done to your house lately? Alot of times it is not random, but someone who knows what you have.


Depending on the thickness of the bottom plate of the safe, you can use those expanding concrete bolts by redhead or the like. Go at least three inches into the concrete. Use 3/8" - 1/2" concrete anchors, and the only way they could get the safe is with a cutting torch.


I have a concrete drill if you need to borrow one in the future

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If nothing else I have learned a lot from this post. I sucks that we have to be so security minded these days. I have a brother up in Idaho that works for a gun stock making company so he has tons of hand guns and rifles. He has a safe that takes at least 4 or 5 people to move (I know this first hand). He has come home once and found it in the living room next to the front door and another time in the driveway. Luckily for him it is so heavy that the idiots were not prepared. I sure hope something turns up for you.

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Man that really bites. I cant believe what this society is coming into. My dad had the same crap happen to him about 3 years ago. Good luck on your rifles hope you find them again.

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Thank you all for your support and well wishes. I'm glad this thread is having a positive impact on all who have read it. It's my belief if we all are more vigalant, these crimes will be stopped.



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Scotty and Larry, I would very much like to meet up with you guy's some time...How about beer's at my house? Feel free to bring your own hand gun's, just incase.

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Sorry about your valuables. I just can't imagine that happening. I hope they catch the low life that took your stuff. Nothing worse than a thief. That has got to hurt and let's hope they catch these guys and you get your stuff back.



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Scotty and Larry, I would very much like to meet up with you guy's some time...How about beer's at my house? Feel free to bring your own hand gun's, just incase.


You had me at beer...

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