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Callin Bears

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For the past few years I keep saying that I want to get out and get a bear but with Elk and Deer tags, priorties for scouting went elswhere.


This year I have been scouting hard and have located some travel corridors and also have some pics of some bruins on my TC. These Bears seem to move through everyother week or so ( at least what my cams are telling me) so I was planning on setting up in these areas.

I plan on still hunting mostly because glassing really isnt an option and was planning on doing some calling as well. Are there any in particular distress sounds that work best for bears? I was thinking about picking up a used Foxpro and was also curious on your guys's take on them. I wanted to do some more callin this year anyway so I figured it would be a good investment.


Thanks, Jay

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A fawn in distress call would work.

I have called in a few in 6B by wailing on a Circe jackrabbit mouthcall nonstop. The key is nonstop as they supposedly have a short attention span.


Doug ~RR

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Wayne Carlton makes a very high pitched one that work great. The trick is to sound like you are being shreded into bits while you are calling. It almost pisses them off. I was in 22 a few years back and had a big bear runnig into my carlton call at over 1000 yards away. He wanted to shut up what ever was making that scream. get his calling all bears dvd to it is good info.

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I liked Wayne's video also, I have it j if you want to borrow it, probably on vhs if I remember lol.

I like using a diaphram and growl while you use it. He teaches you on his video and I really like using it for about everything.

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I liked Wayne's video also, I have it j if you want to borrow it, probably on vhs if I remember lol.

I like using a diaphram and growl while you use it. He teaches you on his video and I really like using it for about everything.



I would like to borrow it if you don't mind.

Yes I have a VCR player ;)

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Hey Houston I like when he calls that big old bear in and all there is is a tree between them and then he hits it with bear spray. He syas that will scare the puddin out of you. You will like this video GH.

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Thanks for the replies guys. Houston thanks for the offer too. I actually have that video too (on DVD ;) ). That scene your talking about is pretty cool, hopefully it pans out the same way in a couple of weeks. only instead of bear spray a 30.06!!


Got a new Bear on a different cam so Im getting excited.


Thanks again!



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Hey GH, I'll get that too you as soon as possible, I'm leaving in a couple hours for 3c for elk, but will be back to Payson on Wed. If that will work let me know I'll bring it by the store, you may have to remind me with a PM or something.


Jade- That little dance of his is one of my favorites, I love that he gets so excited, makes it real to me.

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I have a buddy if mine that has called in every bear he has ever taken which is 3 of the last four years, and he uses a custom call made by an old timer here in globe!

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october 2nd is the openiing day for alot of the units but check the regs cause some of the units dont open till the end of october , i wanna say the 23rd!

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For the price I would recommend the Primos Coyote / Bear Buster. I think it is about $10. Unfortunately, you can not find it any of the major hunting stores anymore. However, it is still available if you search for it on-line and I think through Primos. In August of 2008 I called in several bears using this call.

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