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*** Finally ***

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Well finally after 27 years of big game hunting and probably twenty of them with a bow on and off, i did it. I sat a blind for a couple of days trying for a good coues buck i had on camera. i managed to whack a turkey and watch some elk but deer were not willing participants. on third day i bailed out figuring if my body was gonna hurt from sitting all day i might as well try and make it productive elsewhere. i was on way to quad after leaving EVERYTHING by a fence when 2 little muleys jumped and bailed. of course they stopped and looked back. i RETURNED to fence on my hip that is falling apart and rummaged through everything to find X-bow, cocking device, bolts, range finder, binos, well everything i had put away... IT WAS ALL WORTH IT. WITHIN ABOUT 400 YARDS MY FIRST (ARCHERY MULEY, CROSSBOW DEER, SPOT-N-STALK) WELL LETS SAY THIS LITTLE DUDE DID A LOT OF FIRSTS FOR ME. WHY DO THEY ALWAYS STOP AND LOOK BACK ? WELL WHATEVER THE REASON, I HAVE FINALLY KILLED ARCHERY DEER SPOT-n-STALK, X-BOW OR NOT I AM HAPPPPPY. I never thought i would have physical limitations at anypoint in life but since things happen i am really glad God put a terrific FAMILY and great FRIENDS in my path.


thanks to those who helped me on packing out..



*** the bottom pick is who i was after. maybe next year!!!

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Sweet, I hope to someday have one in the bag. Hopefully today! Congratulations.



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Great job! Glad to see guys out there not giving up just becuase of physical limitations. Way to go on a Bird and Buck. Thanks for your service to The United States of America.

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I heard the story and got to see pics and

was wondering when you would get the story up.

Congratulations on your harvests and you truly did

have some great folks helping you out ;)


I would like to hear about your bow.

I have been playing with the idea of getting one

for January after my surgery this fall.

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Congrats my Friend! :D I am so glad that my Pard and I were able to accompany you and Mike on the recovery! It was very special to get to share that time with such a deserving and compassionate hunter! You earned it, CONGRATS Buddy!! Best of luck on the 11th.... I'll be rooting for you!!! If you shoot as well at your bull as you did that buck.... :blink: .... it will be a short recovery, again!!! B) :D Good luck and Congrats again, Bro!!


BTW.... Remember.... that X-bow is not a "Black Mark".... :rolleyes: .... It is a Badge of Courage that you earned... in service to us all.... Seeing you with that X-bow makes me well up with pride.... it is the tool that still allows you to do what you so dearly love! Thank You.... and enjoy every moment.... You Earned It!!!!

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what a blast of a weekend! ok you shot your javi, turkey and now your muley. in week and a half you get to use your elk tag, what a great year. ;) great 1st muley but as our buddy stated, " carp deer" this was the look on your face when he stated carp :blink: lets do it again in a week and a half! ;)

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Congrats my Friend! :D I am so glad that my Pard and I were able to accompany you and Mike on the recovery! It was very special to get to share that time with such a deserving and compassionate hunter! You earned it, CONGRATS Buddy!! Best of luck on the 11th.... I'll be rooting for you!!! If you shoot as well at your bull as you did that buck.... :blink: .... it will be a short recovery, again!!! B) :D Good luck and Congrats again, Bro!!


BTW.... Remember.... that X-bow is not a "Black Mark".... :rolleyes: .... It is a Badge of Courage that you earned... in service to us all.... Seeing you with that X-bow makes me well up with pride.... it is the tool that still allows you to do what you so dearly love! Thank You.... and enjoy every moment.... You Earned It!!!!


THANK YOU GINO! man you always have the right words at the right moment. :)

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what a blast of a weekend! ok you shot your javi, turkey and now your muley. in week and a half you get to use your elk tag, what a great year. ;) great 1st muley but as our buddy stated, " carp deer" this was the look on your face when he stated carp :blink: lets do it again in a week and a half! ;)


im ready for elk... i just havent slept in last two nights cuz im thinking about it. i watched my little video clips of tree thrashing and now i have INSOMNIA :blink:

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hello - Glad you were able to harvest a nice deer with the Xbow- turkey too! Way to go Mike!- gotta get lucky every now and then - with elk season right around the corner - sounds like you'll be havin more fun soon - give a call if you get a chance - Gary

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Way to go Mike you are the man, couple of turkeys now deer, sheep your my hero brother and you are welcome at my house anytime you want again we still have the blind up Kolby got his first turkey last spring and has a 27 elk tag.

Jeff in eagar well now it is jeff in Kuwait/ Iraq

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Way to go Mike you are the man, couple of turkeys now deer, sheep your my hero brother and you are welcome at my house anytime you want again we still have the blind up Kolby got his first turkey last spring and has a 27 elk tag.

Jeff in eagar well now it is jeff in Kuwait/ Iraq


In Iraq now or are you home? i know Colby was worried you would not make his hunt. you know he would have got his turkey few years back with me if not for a little gas problem! :lol: :lol:

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Nope cant make it home he has some friends taking him and helping out im the first email that he will send out, he has some good help lined up and good friends Im sad I cant be there but their will be more I fogot about your bears and hogs, hows the wife, Kolb said he seen Coop drive through town opeaning weekend of bear. Kolb chasing a bear today.


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