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A couple days ago, I shot at my first deer ever.

Of course, I missed, but nevertheless it was a great experience.

My dad and I made a great stalk on two bucks.

We ended up taking our seperate ways to them,

and as my luck would have it, I got on the smaller of the two bucks at 65 yards and i let an arrow fly.

The two bucks just trotted off, for a minute I thought we were hunting mule deer as the two bucks just stood there, with a 'na na boo boo' look.

But we have been seeing alot of bucks.

To be exact i think 30 in about three or four full days.

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I remember my first miss, like it was yesterday.

Only better times and experiences lie ahead buddy.

Keep at it!

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I hate those misses. Seems sometimes like they are the longest lasting memories EVER !! I truly believe if we never missed we would get bored really fast.

keep at it and good luck..

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