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How much longer are we going to put up with John McCain and his crap? Why doesn't he stop the charade and just come out of the liberal closet and join the Democratic party? He's anti-gun, pro-illegal immigration, and basically stabs Bush in the back on every conservative issue. The final straw was his "deal" that probably stops Bush from getting a conservative (pro-gun, pro-states rights, ant-illegal) on the Supreme Court when Renhquist retires next month. Yes, he was a POW, yada yada yada, a lot of better men than him was a POW also.


The only reason he is a so-called Republican, is because the GOP has more money than the Dem's and very few Dem's got elected from AZ when he first ran for Senate.

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I will not vote for him again! He defies the "conservative" platform of the party so often he ought to just join the Liberals. He has seen that he can do whatever he wants to, and the Republican base continues to re-elect him due to thier short term memories.

Fact is, there does not seem to be alot of difference in what the Dems and Reps do when they get into office. Promises and pledges are twisted and taken out of context to suit their own needs and ambitions. Reps borrow from the future to pay for pork, and the Dems just Tax and spend. The reall truth is WE ALL will pay for it in the future one way or another.


McLame was on Fox News Sunday Morning last week and the interview closed on a few lighter points. They mentioned how Trent Franks warned McCain that if he jumped ships and moved to support Dems on this issue, he would pay for it later. McCain said he hears stuff like that all the time and basically is not worried. He then followed up with an answer about how he has not rulled out running for

President in 2008. He can kiss my vote goodbye!

What a traiter. Jane Fonda McCain!


You can bet I will not watch his "I can spit on my country, cause I am better than you" movie on A&E this weekend. Maybe I will have to pull out some real war hero movies... John Wayne!


Vote McCain out ! He is a party traiter and will sucker us again if we don't stop him! Maverick needs to be put out to pasture.

It IS time for a McCain Mutiny!

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Where did you here that he is Anti-gun? I thought he was squared away!! I'm thinking twice of his character.

But McCain is not even in the same catagory as Jane Fonda!!

My 2 cents


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Did you notice that the NRA didn't have any commercials on TV during the last election? Wonder why? McCain saw to that it would be illegal for private groups to run political ads. That's why every commercial now has to have the candidate say at the end, "I'm XXX XXXX and I approve of this message." He did that as a DIRECT hit on the NRA and he admitted it. He feels it was the NRA and strict conservatives that cost him the Presidential nomimation in 2000.


He also tried to shut down the gun shows.

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DesertBull, I allways thought McCain was a straight shooter.....But if you are right, then he will never get my vote again :)

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It always sucks when your decision on who to vote for has to be decided because you dislike one more or less than the other and not on who you want.

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I agree with you on that. So many times it is the lesser of evils when you enter the voting booth. I just look at the candidates and evaluate their positions. Tho one who has the least positions that I just cannot accept in any way, gets my vote. Moderate dems have a chance with me in that scenario.


I urge everyone to look at the candidates long term history and current trend on positions. Flip Flops are a waste of my vote. I will give anyone a chance to change their mind but more than one time means (at least to me) they are pandering and putting on a show for votes.

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