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Ok heres the problem. Bow is set up perfectly, tuned, arrows fly like lazers. As long as someone else is shooting it. For some reason when I shoot it it always hits to the left, perfectly in line vertically but always to the left. My buddy says my form is good... so what am I doing wrong?

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a couple different things,,,,do you have an adjustable sight? can you move it to the left?...are you shooting with both eys open? example most rt handed people are rt eye dominant, but you may be left eye dominant. in that case you either have to shoot with your left eye closed of start shooting left handed.

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right eye dominant. I want to find the problem in my form instead of changing my sight. It shoot perfect when my buddy shoots it so it has to be a hitch in my form. Im wondering if any of you had ever had something similar and how u overcame it.

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I would check your draw length... It sounds like you are opening up or pushing to the left for some reason... Does you bow arm swing out to the left dramatically after your shot? Make sure you are following thru correctly..




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plucking the string? You may be pulling it off your anchor/cheek when you release?

Torquing the bow is also an option? Try using just first finger and touching it to your thumb in the front. No torque.

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just because it is sighted in for your buddy does not mean it is sighted in for you...different anchor points can change things from person to person...sight the bow in for you and see what happens.

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