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brothers very first bow kill

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yes its gutted, it was shot 7 miles from the house here, gutted, and brought straight home took a couple of pictures and then we skinned it, some of us dont have to drive for hours to get back home so we have the luxery of takeing it home to skin without it ruining..... besides have you ever tried to hang one in a cedar tree....

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, some of us dont have to drive for hours to get back home

Yes, and I despise every one of you lucky b****** :lol: :lol:

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yes its gutted, it was shot 7 miles from the house here, gutted, and brought straight home took a couple of pictures and then we skinned it, some of us dont have to drive for hours to get back home so we have the luxery of takeing it home to skin without it ruining..... besides have you ever tried to hang one in a cedar tree....


just wondering. i dont hang my animals in cedar country i skin them as fast i i can and do the "az gutless method" and can have a deer skinned and quartered before you got home ;) i know from experience that every second that hide is on this time of year(or anytime of year for that matter) its cooking that meat and making it taste like carp um..i mean muley buck.look into learning how to do the "az gutlless method" it rocks and your meat will taste oh so much better.

congrats again


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Congratulations to your brother and thanks for sharing with us here. Nice buck! :)



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