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My 1'st bobcat and 3 greys...

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I went out and did some calling and this one came after 10-15 min.... It's my first bobcat. I know is not a big one but i can't complain. (i start calling with cottontail Dist)

Here are pics.




The next day I did 3 stands.

My first stand i set up the caller and after 2 min one fox came in i shot it and then after 5 min another fox came in it came behind me... and stop at 5 yards from where i was... i couldn't shot it so i had to move.. she run and made the last stop at 40 yards...

2'nd stand.. i called in 4 foxes.. i shot 2 of them.. i missed one.. and never got the chance to shot at the other one....both of them were taken at a 80-100 yards range. One of them i couldn't find it.

3th stand .. called in 2 and never had the chance to shot at them.

I start calling with cottontail and then switch to snowbird


Overall it was a great morning

1'st stand


2'nd stand (just one) couldn't find the other one


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  WHT_MTNMAN said:
Nice job Alex, calling is one of my favorite things to do.


Want to go out some time Houston?

Never been much of a varmint hunter but I have a 204Ruger carbine barrel

for my Contender and a 17HMR rifle on the way I would like to try out.

I do have an extra frame in Contender and a 223, 218 Bee and 22 Hornet

barrels in handgun configuration if you would like to pack it for a change.

I have a old tape caller and several mouth calls I use for Bear, Lion and pigs

but I am sure you have better stuff.


Congratulations Alex on a great outing ;)


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Cool pic's. Great job. what unit were you hunting?

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Congratulations on your success. I've yet to score on a bobcat. Thanks for sharing! :)



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