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how many is too many?

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just wondering how many hunts are too many? My wife doesn't understand that and I wish she would. I grew up hunting with my family and now I have a good job and LIVE to hunt, so she is riding my butt about all the hunts I have this year. How many do you guys have? I drew out a New Mexico archery elk tag, AZ leftover 20B muzzleloader tag, Montana Deer tag and now I am going back to Vermont to chase some whitetails with my dad, is it too much? Yeah I will throw in the next week I am off and I am archery hunting for the week.



Sometimes I just wish they understood!!!! Andy

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You need to make sure that they have the time and resources to do the things they like to do also.

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You need to make sure that have the time and resources to do the things they like to do also.



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Good advice with making time to do the things your spouse enjoys.


Good thing I can do as I please. I just wish someone enjoyed the same things as me.

Many a disagreements b/w me and the x gals on this same subject.

"Dove?! You shoot dove?!

Now quail!!??

I know about deer..what are you going to do with an elk?!

You've got to be kidding me!...JAVELINA?!!!

What the heck is a pronghorn??

Can you actually eat LION?!!!!

You've got to be freaking kidding me!...coyotes?!"


Ahhhh...the memories.



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Thats funny Chef! When they talk all I hear is Wawawawa Wawa Wawa... just like the teacher in the old Charlie Brown Cartoons..

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I'm not sure what is too many, but I may be approaching it. My wife is pretty good about it, as long as I don't overspend the bank account too bad. :)


I have gone hunting in Alaska the last three years, so this year she told me she didn't think I should go on any "major" hunting trips. I asked her to define "major", and she said outside the lower 48. :huh: I figured I could work around that.


I've got deer, elk, and antelope in Wyoming, deer in Montana and Arizona, along with deer, elk and antelope in Colorado. But just to smooth things over a bit, I took her to Alaska for a week at the beginning of the month. I should be safe another 2 or 3 years now. ;)

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Thank the Lord I have a wife who knew what she was dealing with when we got married.. As long as we do at least one thing of her choice per yr, she's happy. We went to Hawaii 2 months ago, so I'm golden for the remainder!


As for hunts this yr, my season starts next weekend in central TX with a Fallow deer and Sika deer hunt.. End of Sept I have my muzz elk hunt here in AZ..Then I have the 2nd Coues hunt in 36C, then Mearns quail opens (eats up ALOT of my off time that time of yr!), potential MX coues in Jan, then we leave for Africa again next May 1st!!!


Full season ahead.

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My wife understood that I/we hunt a lot when we got married. Heck, she was sewing beads on her wedding dress with a shotgun on her lap while we were dove hunting. This year she was upset that I put in for NM elk and got drawn.

This hunt will kick off the hunting season for me/us. My wife, son and girl and I all got AZ elk tags for different units. Now you throw in quail, scouting for elk and my son and I have unit 23 deer tags. We may have every weekend tied up starting next weekend all the way to Thanksgiving. My wife helps coach our girl on a club softball team, so it's not like they will be sitting around waiting for us to come home from a hunt. As long as I get the housework done she's happy. :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:

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Aww you poor gents. The ONLY time I get upset is when Tim doesn't take me along with him! Then I get sad because I wanna go too! But thankfully, he likes having me along more than he likes going alone. And it's not because I cook while were out. In camp, I leave the cooking to him. :D We have a tag for whitetail this year, and we're both really excited to kick each other's butts!


But I definitely think that you need to spend AS MUCH time with your wife (after all, you do love being around her right?) as you do hunting. I've seen too much hunting destroy marriages even when the women supports and likes the hunting. We women need to feel cherished, loved, and adored. We don't feel that way when you love hunting more than we see you loving us.


Just a hint from the woman's view.


And Chef...I'm lookin for a lady for ya!

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Thank the Lord I have a wife who knew what she was dealing with when we got married.. As long as we do at least one thing of her choice per yr, she's happy




- I pulled this one off with her last summer and I've been good to go for a while. You guys need to raise the bar with your ladies, it can go a L-O-N-G way!

Make sure it's "her" choice and not yours.











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My Wife has always been very supportive and understanding of my passion. :wub:

I think she really came to understand what it meant to me when the results were only

available on the phone and would spend hours redialing till I got through.

When I did get the results the whole neighborhood knew either way and she was great about

making me feel better or helping me celibate :rolleyes:


I am sure now she just prays I get a tag so I will just get the heck away :P

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